1) Open Microsoft Expression Media Encoder.
2) Click File -> Import and then select the media file
that you want to stream.
3) On the settings tab, choose the Video format. You may
want to select a format which is less than or equal to 700 Kbps. This is due to
the fact that, video files hosted at Silverlight Streaming should be less than
or equal to 700 Kbps. You have to follow some other criteria as well.
a) Video file must be smaller than 22mb.
b) Run time for any video file should be shorter than 10
4) On the Output tab, choose the Template that you want to
use to stream your video. When you choose a pre-defined template, Media Encoder
will automatically provide you with all controls that are usually found in a
Windows Media Player (such as Play button, Pause button, slider control, volume
control, file download progress bar control, etc).
5) Click File -> Encode.
By default you can see the encoded video file under: My
Documents -> Expression -> Expression Media Encoder -> Output.
You will find a folder under the Output directory for each
encoding process. If you look at the folder contents, it may look as follows:
Figure 1