AJAX is not a technology by itself but is a combination of a
group of technologies (similar to DHTML, SPA, etc). The nucleus of AJAX is the XMLHttpRequest object that enables different web browsers to make dynamic and
asynchronous data requests without reloading the page. AJAX is comprised of the
HTML or XHTML, and CSS - for information on style and mark-up
XMLHttpRequest object – Used to interchange data with the web server
in an asynchronous mode; in some cases and for some AJAX frameworks, an IFrame
object is used instead of XMLHttpRequest object for exchanging data with the
web server.
XML is many times used for transferring data between the server
and the client. Other formats will also work (for example: JSON, plain text,
pre-formatted HTML).
The DOM is being accessed by client side scripting language like
JavaScript to display dynamically and interact with the information being