Creating a SQL Server Stored Procedure Generator using WPF
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by Brian Mains
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Tree Creation

To create the tree view, the table's information schema view is queried and the results are parsed. The table name is created in the format of schema.tablename. This node is created as a single string and to create a shorter version of the table name later requires splitting the name at the decimal point.

Columns are created in the format of name, followed by a comma, and then the data type/length combination (such as "EventID,varchar(10)"). To get the column name requires splitting by the comma between the name/data type. That is useful for later.

Listing 9

foreach (DataRow tableRow in _information.Tables["Tables"].Rows)
      string tableSchema = tableRow["TABLE_SCHEMA"].ToString();
      string tableName = tableRow["TABLE_NAME"].ToString();
      TreeViewItem tableItem = new TreeViewItem();
      tableItem.Header = string.Format("{0}.{1}", tableSchema, tableName);
      DataView columnsView = _information.Tables["Columns"].DefaultView;
      columnsView.RowFilter = string.Format(
          "TABLE_NAME = '{1}' and TABLE_SCHEMA = '{0}'", tableSchema, tableName);
      for (int i = 0; i < columnsView.Count; i++)
            DataRow columnRow = columnsView[i].Row;
            string columnName = columnRow["COLUMN_NAME"].ToString();
            string dataType = columnRow["DATA_TYPE"].ToString();
            int precision = (int)(columnRow.IsNull("CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH") 
              ? 0 
              : columnRow["CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH"]);
            precision = !columnRow.IsNull("NUMERIC_PRECISION") 
               ? (int)columnRow["NUMERIC_PRECISION"]
              : precision;
            string text = columnName + ", " + dataType;
            if (precision > 0)
                  text += "(" + precision.ToString() + ")";
            TreeViewItem columnItem = new TreeViewItem();
            columnItem.Header = text;

All of the information gets pulled from the information schema views and creates the appropriate tree view items. To get the information back, it is collected from these tree view items and parsed appropriately.

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User Comments

Title: Good generator   
Name: Nilesh Gambhava
Date: 2011-02-09 5:09:14 AM
Thanks Libal,

I was looking professional touch stored procedure generator and my all requirements are satisfied with tools4sql.
Title: Stored Procedure Generator   
Name: Libal
Date: 2010-06-24 10:24:55 AM
I read your article, it sounds very interesting. But when I searched for more stored procedure generator, I found very interesting stored procedure generator named : T4S - Stored Procedure Generator found on


Title: Excellent stored procedure generator   
Name: Libal
Date: 2010-06-24 10:18:02 AM
I read this article, this article is very nice. But when I searched for more stored procedure generator, I found very intersting & excellent stored procedure generator. It has rich configuration set & it is very easy to use. its name is T4S - Stored Procedure Generator & url :
Title: Mondal   
Name: Chinmayee
Date: 2009-04-29 7:16:55 AM
this is help ful
Title: how to get list of tables from database using vb6.0 reply   
Name: Brian
Date: 2009-03-08 2:53:20 PM
The table_name is the field returned; in VB 6, you have to use ADO recordset to loop through the rows and get the table_name field, to get the list of the tables.
Title: how to get list of tables from database using vb6.0   
Name: Madhuri
Date: 2009-03-02 2:43:20 AM
query1 = "select table_name as Name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Tables where TYPE ='S'"
wht next how to get the list of tables
Title: sql server   
Name: deepa
Date: 2008-10-22 6:45:33 AM
it's good to way of teaching
Title: Great example   
Name: gabo
Date: 2008-09-01 3:59:25 PM
As a matter of fact I use it all the time. Thanks.
Title: A good start   
Name: Ralph D. Wilson II
Date: 2007-09-19 10:36:05 AM
This presents a good start toward creating Stored Procs; however, I can see several limitations in it. Perhaps the most glaring limitation is the fact that it appears to only facilitate the creation of very basic SP's and, while that is useful, I am assisting C#/ASP.Net developers in the creation of much more complex SP's.
Title: Useful   
Name: Niall
Date: 2007-08-30 3:32:49 AM
This is interesting and I can see a very good use for this type of programming in my current project. One reservation I have though is the use of the WPF. Specifically the Presentation part of WPF.
Title: Code is Attached   
Name: Brian Mains
Date: 2007-08-26 7:26:33 PM
The code is attached; see the downloads section.
Title: download this software   
Name: ankti
Date: 2007-08-26 4:22:23 PM
i want to see this software

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