Explore Ways to Extend ASP.NET AJAX Client-Side Function
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by Xianzhong Zhu
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Sample 1

Launch Visual Studio 2005 and select template "ASP.NET AJAX-enabled Web Site" to create a web site named AjaxCustCom, as well as select Visual C# as the built-in language. Next, right click the project and select "Add new Item…" to create a Jscript file named AjaxCustCom.js.

For clarity, let us depict a sketch to illustrate the relationship between the two components we are to create in JavaScript.

Figure 2: Relationship between the two components: Class and Student

Programming the Two Components in JavaScript

Open file AjaxCustCom.js and input the following code.

Listing 2: Define the two components in JavaScript

Samples.Student = function(number,gender,name){
      this.Number = number;
      this.Gender = gender;
      this.Name = name;
Samples.Student.prototype = {
      initialize: function() {
      get_Number: function() {
            /// <value type="Number"></value>
            if (arguments.length !== 0) throw Error.parameterCount();
            return this.Number;
      set_Number: function(value) {
            var e = Function._validateParams(arguments,
                [{name: "value", type: Number}]);
            if (e) throw e;
            this.Number = value;
      get_Gender: function() {
            /// <value type="String"></value>
            if (arguments.length !== 0) throw Error.parameterCount();
            return this.Gender;
      set_Gender: function(value) {
            var e = Function._validateParams(arguments, 
                [{name: "value", type: String}]);
            if (e) throw e;
            this.Gender = value;
      get_Name: function() {
            /// <value type="String"></value>
            if (arguments.length !== 0) throw Error.parameterCount();
            return this.Name;
      set_Name: function(value) {
            var e = Function._validateParams(arguments, 
                [{name: "value", type: String}]);
            if (e) throw e;
            this.Name = value;
      dispose: function() {
            this.Number = null;
            this.Gender = null;
            this.Name = null;
            Samples.Student.callBaseMethod(this, "dispose");
Samples.Student.registerClass("Samples.Student", Sys.Component, Sys.IDisposable);
Samples.Class = function()
      this.Students = [];
Samples.Class.prototype = {
      initialize: function() {
      get_Number: function() {
            return this.Number;
      set_Number: function(value) {
            this.Number = value;
      get_Address: function() {
            return this.Address;
      set_Address: function(value) {
            this.Address = value;
      addStudent: function(student){
      /// <value type="Samples.Student"></value>
            if (Object.getTypeName(student) != "Samples.Student") 
                  var e = Error.argumentType("student", Object.getType(student),
                  Samples.Student,"Samples.Student required!");
                  throw e;
      removeStudent: function(student)
      get_Students: function()
            return this.Students;
      dispose: function() {
            this.Number = -1;
            this.Students = null;
            this.Address = null;
            Samples.Class.callBaseMethod(this, "dispose");
Samples.Class.registerClass("Samples.Class", Sys.Component, Sys.IDisposable);
if (typeof(Sys) !== 'undefined') Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded();

Here, we first declared a namespace Samples, and then we started to define two components, Student and Class, in the namespace. Typically, you should define properties within the constructor, and define the get and set accessors of the properties, methods, and event handlers inside the prototype block. Note, inside all of these you are suggested to validate the necessary parameters first with effective means, such as arguments, Function._validateParams, etc., before putting them into use. Here we have followed the general routines. Since the later two samples will further discuss them, we are not to detail them any more.

On the whole we have defined two simple components, with the second component Class as the container of the first component Student.

Create the Components on the Client Side

Now, let us see the client-side code.

Listing 3: Client-side JavaScript code to create the two components

<script type="text/javascript">
var class01,class02,classes=[];
function pageLoad(sender, args){
      class01 = new Samples.Class();
      class01.set_Address("Address for Class 01");
      class01.addStudent(new Samples.Student("1001","male","Mike"));
      class01.addStudent(new Samples.Student("1002","male","John"));
      class02 = new Samples.Class();
      class02.set_Address("Address for Class 02");
      class02.addStudent(new Samples.Student("2001","male","Jack"));
      class02.addStudent(new Samples.Student("2002","male","Sam"));
      class02.addStudent(new Samples.Student("2003","female","Jenny"));
function btnTest_onclick() {
      Sys.Debug.trace('Start the test!');
      Sys.Debug.traceDump(class01,'Details about class01:');
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
      <asp:ScriptReference Path="AjaxCustCom.js" />
<div style="width: 549px; height: 1px">
<h1 style="color:Coral">
<span style="color: navy">Client Side Custom Component Test</span></h1>
<hr style="width: 507px" align="left" />
<input id="btnTest" type="button" value="Start to Test" language="javascript" 
onclick="return btnTest_onclick()" />
<br />
<textarea id='TraceConsole' cols="60" style="height: 277px"></textarea>

Seen above, the three global variables that were first declared used to hold related class instances later. Then inside MS AJAX typical startup functionpageLoad we created two instances for class Class.  We then called their property-related set accessors to set the property values. Next, we called method addStudent to add new sub objectinstances of class Student to the parent variables. Last, we added the two Class instances to an MS AJAX special Array object.  That is it!

In the last part of the above code, we defined a special HTML <textarea> element named "TraceConsole" which was a good means to debug MS AJAX based applications. Here, when we click "Start to Test," the related click handler btnTest_onclick will be invoked, and the <textarea> "TraceConsole" will be stuffed with the interesting debugging information, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Run-time snapshot for Sample 1

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User Comments

Title: ZK@Web Marketing Blog   
Name: zk5182@yahoo.com
Date: 2009-06-03 1:35:51 AM
I downloaded the ASP.NET 2.0 PayPal Commerce Starter Kit (CSK) today for kicks and ended up creating a new provider, called InventoryProvider, that provides the basis for a more functional and feature-rich inventory management system. I say "provides the basis," because my immediate intentions were to do the minimal amount of work possible to have CSK use the provider and then add new features in increments later.

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