Once we have seen our web application in action all that is
left is to deploy it to a test server or straight to the live server. Once again
we have the choice of creating a batch file or setting up a User Tool in
Crimson Editor. The batch file to deploy our web application is shown in
Listing 6. As you can see, we will accomplish this using the xcopy command.
Listing 6 - Deploy.bat used to deploy our web
xcopy /i /s /y /exclude:Excludes.txt C:\Projects\WebApp1 C:\Projects\WebApp1_Deploy
Here is an explanation of the parameters used with xcopy.
Using the /y parameter saves time, but you can decide how you use it. The
source and destination directory need to use the physical path.
/s : Copies directories and subdirectories, unless they
are empty.
/i : If a directory in destination does not exist,
xcopy creates a new directory.
/exclude:Excludes.txt : Specifies a file containing a
list of file extensions to exclude.
/y : Suppresses prompting to confirm that you want to
overwrite an existing destination file.
To set this up in Crimson Editor, select Conf. User Tools
from the Tools menu. And in the Preferences dialog box, fill in the fields for
the third User Tool using the following and also take a look at Image 3 below.
Menu Text: Deploy - WebApp1
Command: C:\Windows\system32\xcopy.exe
Argument: /I /s /y /exclude:Excludes.txt C:\Projects\WebApp1
Initial Dir:
Hot Key: None
Close on exit: yes
Capture Output: no
Use short file names: no
Save before execute: no
Figure 3 - Setting up a User Tool to deploy a web
in Crimson Editor
Listing 7 - Excludes.txt