Video: Creating Many-to-Many Relationships Using NHibernate
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Published: 08 Oct 2007
Unedited - Community Contributed
In this video Mohammad Azam will demonstrate how to create many-to-many relationships using NHibernate. [6:38]
by Mohammad Azam
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·         NHibernate is an open source Object Relational Mapper.

·         In many to many relationship both objects involved contains the collection of the other object.




User Comments

Title: Video   
Name: Ruchi
Date: 2010-09-02 1:20:49 AM
I want to see the video i am not able to get. Can u help me wher is?
Title: Thank you   
Name: Amar Basiston
Date: 2009-07-04 3:09:28 AM
Hello Mohammad. Your tutorial is very useful, we learn more information in your tutorial. I have downloade your application but unable to run, kindly help me urgent. We are using NHibernate 1.2
Title: Thank you   
Name: Salvatore
Date: 2009-03-05 10:11:08 AM
Thank you for your video
Title: Using Many-To-Many on a Repository of Questions Scenario   
Name: Luis Mayorga
Date: 2007-10-25 7:02:15 PM
Hello Mohammad. Im using NHibernate and well your tutorial was very useful. But lets say i have .aspx page and i have two entities Repository and Question(this is a many to many relationship). And well the logic says that i can create many repositories with aout any questions which i could add them later on in my app. In this scenario, what would you recommend. I mean in the app the user would first create the repository without questions and visualize a gridview with all the repositories created. After that he could select, edit, add, or delete the questions for each row of the grid.

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