Introducing Infragistics Dock and Toolbar Manager Components
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Published: 07 Nov 2007
This article looks at the Infragistics components, specifically the UltraDockManager and UltraToolbarManager components and how they work.
by Brian Mains
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Infragistics is a leading developer of windows, web, charting, and WPF components that developers can use to increase the attractiveness and functionality of an application. Infragistics allows you to leverage many of the common toolset appearances (such as the Office 2007, 2003, or Visual Studio 2005 appearance) that most developers want to have in an application. This can work seamlessly because all it takes is a simple assignment of a property for this to happen.  Infragistics also supports other ways to apply common sets of styling information using presets, which are unique to the Infragistics products, and may be close to WPF's styling capabilities, though stored separately from the application code.

Infragistics has a Ribbon component that you see a wide array of in application frameworks these days, which will be discussed next. It is very easy to implement a professional looking ribbon within an application, which has the same styling as you see in the Office 2007 environment.

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User Comments

Title: incomplete options appearing   
Name: Kay
Date: 2008-03-19 12:57:50 PM
After I drag the UltraToolbarsManager component on the Windows Form, I do not see three options. I can only see the "new Toolbar", while neither the "Show Ribbon" or the "Design MiniToolBar" are present. Is there any settings that need to be changed beforehand? thanks

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