Review: ASP.NET Rating System
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Published: 12 Feb 2008
In this review, Satheesh examines how well the ASP.NET rating system developed by Imar Spaanjaars helps you to integrate Amazon style rating functionality in your site. He first discusses the need of a rating system and the expectations from the user's point of view. He finishes the review with a detailed explanation of deployment of the control.
by Satheesh Babu
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There are lots of controls packed with .NET which we can use in building our ASP.NET website. At times we will have requirements where we should build our own components or use a third party component. The one I am going to discuss in this article is a Rating system developed by Imar Spaanjaars and it is free to use. Thanks to Imar!

Rating systems can be used to rate an item based on the users' opinion about the item. The item can be a commercial product on a shopping site, an article on a tutorial site, etc. where the other users judge the item's value based on the others' view. We can build a simple rating system using a RadioButton control that is packed with .NET. But still, the usability and manifestation will not be that pleasing. The Rating control developed by Imar fulfills all our expectation and shines as one of the best in terms of the flexibility it has given to a developer and also in terms of the usage by an end user. Get the source code from the reference section of this article and use it.

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User Comments

Title: sdf   
Name: sdf
Date: 2012-10-22 7:29:11 AM
Title: Mooi product   
Name: Stephan Stein
Date: 2012-05-02 12:57:19 AM
Ik heb dit artikel gekocht en het is helemaal naar mijn wens.

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