Video: Url Rewriting Using ASP.NET MVC Framework
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Published: 11 Feb 2008
Unedited - Community Contributed
In this video Mohammad Azam demonstrates how to rewrite URLs using the ASP.NET MVC Framework. He explains how to use the RouteTable to add new Routes for ASP.NET MVC traffic. [6:22]
by Mohammad Azam
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·         The ASP.NET MVC Framework allows the developer to distribute responsibilities among layers.

·         URL Rewriting allows search engines to index pages better which results in better hit rate.

·         The ASP.NET MVC RouteTable allows the developer to add any custom URLs. 





User Comments

Title: Problems   
Name: Abdulla
Date: 2008-02-12 2:52:31 AM
I downloaded the sample and it is conatins alot of errors!!
I can not run any page !!!!!

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