Introducing JavaServer Faces
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Published: 25 Jun 2008
In this article Babita provides a brief overview of JavaServer Faces (JSF), its components, life-cycle, and its advantages over so many frameworks and technologies like JSP, Servlet, Struts, etc. You will learn each step involved in the life cycle of a JSF application with the help of detailed explanation and source code.
by Babita Baliarsingha
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JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a great server side Java technology in the field of web application development. JSF is developed by Sun Microsystems.

It provides the event-driven, component-based technology and simplifies building user interfaces for java server application. The JSF specification defines a set of standard UI components and provides an Application Programming Interface (API) for developing components and extensions of the existing standard UI components.

Why JSF?

Let us first analyze why JSF is so hot these days. There are reasons for development of new framework inspite of many already existing technologies like JSP, Servlets, Structs, etc. There are some problems faced while developing the complex web based application in JSP or Servlets. The reasons are:

Tedious and repetitive coding - Previous technologies like JSP make the programmer do a lot of tedious and repetitive coding.

Directly working with HTTP request and response - Using these technologies, programmers directly work with HTTP request and response objects and manipulate the data. But by using JSF and its components, Actionlistener tags and event handler components can easily handle request responses and validations are mostly done on the client side. For example, if the user submits the registration form then the programmer writes the code to get the values of each element in the form into a variable for further processing. When there is a need to retrieve the data from the database and show on the form for editing, then in this case the programmer writes the code to retrieve the code from the database and then set the values in the forms.

Non availability of IDE - Non availability of IDE is another major drawback which affects the programmers' productivity and also the development cost of the project increases.

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User Comments

Title: JSF   
Name: prasannajeet upadhya
Date: 2008-06-27 2:14:30 AM
It is a good article.I request the auther to writes about the business logics used in java.
Thank you
prasannajeet upadhya.
Title: java server faces   
Name: Rajiv Srivastav
Date: 2008-06-27 2:10:46 AM
hello madam
It is a good article.but u need to focus on the life span of JSF.I really appritiates with ur article.wish u all the best.
Title: Java Server Faces   
Name: Amarnath Singh
Date: 2008-06-26 5:56:03 AM
It is a nice article.I go through this article in deep and came to know that it's really the best article.Here the basics of JSF has been clearly mentioned which is very use ful for the learner.
Thank You.
Amarnath Singh.

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