Developing an ASP.NET AJAX Server Centric Based Mini Blog System - Part 3
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by Xianzhong Zhu
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In this installment we have accomplished the common user related functionalities and tasks. And later, we enumerated the main techniques utilized in this blog demo application. As we have seen in this demo, by using ASP.NET AJAX supplied techniques we have not only enhanced the user experience, but also greatly improved the system efficiency - with AJAX styled asynchronous page update substituting for the traditional whole page post back.

On the other hand, note that, for simplicity, we assigned the same rights to both the administrator and the blog hosts. However, in practical situations, this is not really the case - the administrator often owns more control rights than the blog hosts. And also, for simplicity, we have only used a two-tier architecture to build up the blog sample website while in real scenarios a typical three-tier architecture is recommended to gain better control over the system and maintenance and extensibility. Moreover, allowing for merely a demo application, we have selected the built-in mode in terms of the backend database. We directly put the demo database under the website's sub folder App_Data. However, in practical situations, you are suggested to use the outside independent SQL Server database to serve as the backend database, which requires different configurations with those used in this demo. In terms of utilizing ASP.NET AJAX server controls, ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit extenders and other AJAX related techniques, we did touch a few of them. The reason mainly lies in the two aspects: time limitation and the two-tier architecture.

Although I have built this blog demo under Visual Studio 2008, with only a few modifications with the ASP.NET AJAX topic you can also easily get it through in your possible Visual Studio 2005 environment.

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User Comments

Title: wholesale shoes   
Name: wholesale shoes
Date: 2010-04-06 11:45:38 PM
Wow, thanks for the insightful post. I look forward to reading more from you.
Title: missing file   
Name: Jim Arthur
Date: 2008-08-11 6:53:33 PM
I am getting a page not found when I try to download the sample application. Great article and would much appreciate having the sample

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