This one is very common and I probably see
this almost every day. Your Web site or web application is performing very
slowly and you want to know which pages are taking the longest amount of time
to be served. You can run the following query from the log parser
command prompt.
Listing 2
LogParser "SELECT cs-uri-stem, time-taken FROM ex080620.log ORDER BY time-taken
Now, let us say you
want to view the Top 5 from this, you can then use:
Listing 3
LogParser "SELECT TOP 5 cs-uri-stem, time-taken INTO MyChart.GIF FROM ex080620.log
ORDER BY time-taken DESC" -i:IISW3C -charttype:Bar3d -view:ON
Figure 1
OR create an
exploded PIE:
Listing 4
LogParser "SELECT TOP 5 cs-uri-stem, time-taken INTO MyChart.GIF FROM ex080620.log
ORDER BY time-taken DESC" -i:IISW3C -charttype:PieExploded3d -view:ON
Figure 2
Listing 5: Finding the average time taken for web pages
LogParser -i:IISW3C "SELECT cs-uri-stem, AVG(time-taken) As AvgTime FROM
ex080620.log GROUP BY cs-uri-stem" -q:ON -0:DataGrid
Listing 6: Finding the number of hits to your web pages
LogParser -i:IISW3C "SELECT cs-uri-stem, COUNT(*) As Hits FROM ex080620.log GROUP
BY cs-uri-stem" -q:ON –o:DataGrid
Listing 7: Finding the number of
hits to web pages in a 3d Bar graph
LogParser -i:IISW3C "SELECT cs-uri-stem, COUNT(*) As Hits INTO Hits.Gif FROM
ex080620.log GROUP BY cs-uri-stem" -chartType:Bar3D -ChartTitle "WebPage Hits"
Figure 3
Listing 8: Finding the number of hits
to a specific web page
LogParser -i:IISW3C "SELECT cs-uri-stem, COUNT(*) As Hits FROM ex080620.log WHERE
EXTRACT_FILENAME(cs-uri-stem) = 'AdvancedSearch.aspx' GROUP BY cs-uri-stem"
Create a text file and name it as "HitsToPage.bat"
and paste the following line in it. Then save it.
Listing 9: Scripting the above
with batch file
LogParser -i:IISW3C "SELECT cs-uri-stem, COUNT(*) As Hits FROM %1 WHERE
EXTRACT_FILENAME(cs-uri-stem) = '%2' GROUP BY cs-uri-stem" -o:DataGrid
Run it as example: HitsToPage
C:\Logs\ex080620.log AdvancedSearch.aspx.
Listing 10: Finding what is the
Hit rate for various types of content like GIF, HTML,
LogParser -i:IISW3C "SELECT EXTRACT_EXTENSION(cs-uri-stem) AS PageType, COUNT(*)
AS Hits INTO PageDistribution.GIF FROM ex080620.log GROUP BY PageType ORDER BY
Hits DESC" -chartType:PieExploded3d -view:ON
Figure 4
Listing 11: Finding what type of
content takes most of the bandwidth on the IIS web server
NOTE: You must enable the field sc-bytes in
IIS to get this.
LogParser -i:IISW3C "SELECT EXTRACT_EXTENSION(cs-uri-stem) AS PageType,
SUM(sc-bytes) AS Bytes INTO TrafficDistribution.GIF FROM ex080620.log GROUP BY
PageType ORDER BY Bytes DESC" -chartType:PieExploded3d -view:ON