Earlier versions of SharePoint were primarily designed for
internal use, using ADS or Windows to contain user accounts. Based on product
upgrades that make SharePoint more desirable to use outside of a companies LAN,
or on both sides in various configurations, many managers are stuck deciding if
they want to consider the practice of using ADS accounts. By default,
SharePoint (WSS 3.0 and MOSS) is configured to use Active Directory accounts or
Windows user accounts to allow specific access, where a non-anonymous login is
required. The easy argument for using ADS/Windows accounts is that all of the
user management tools are at your disposal. But there are at least two possible
problems and one misnomer about this. The first problem is that user accounts
in ADS or Windows cost money, based on your configuration. It can be said that
this is not a problem, based on the licensing methodology used, but there is a
second problem that everyone potentially faces… security.