ASP.NET MVC Beta Released
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by Scott Guthrie
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Silverlight / ASP.NET MVC Project Integration

When you create a new Silverlight 2 project within Visual Studio or Visual Web Developer 2008 Express (using the recently released Silverlight 2 and VS 2008 Tools for Silverlight download), you now have the ability to select a ASP.NET Web Site, ASP.NET Web Application Project and now an ASP.NET MVC Project to host it within:

Figure 23

When you choose this option, Visual Studio will automatically copy and deploy/update the Silverlight application into the ASP.NET MVC application when you make a change and do a build within the IDE.  This makes it easier to start integrating a .NET based Silverlight front-end (running inside the browser) with an ASP.NET MVC web backend - and opens up some interesting new possibilities.

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User Comments

Title: how about validation   
Name: geocine
Date: 2010-12-15 7:42:28 PM
Values are not mapped but validations are still executed.
Title: sikat ang pinoy   
Name: renanorola
Date: 2010-02-05 8:35:24 PM
Creating silverlight on mvc are now easy. Thanks for the tutorials I like how you have presented the information in full detail. Keep up the great work
Title: ASP.NET MVC   
Name: Ranganathan
Date: 2009-02-09 1:54:22 AM
Today's beta release is a step closer to the final ASP.NET MVC 1.0 product. While not 100% feature complete, we think the major subsystems are all getting really close to being done, and that the quality level is now pretty good.

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