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The Code |
The code
This is the code that checks the user and sends
the email -
Dim objConn, objRS, uname, pword, email, aok, rndnum, objCDO, sqlstatement
uname = LCase(Request.Form("UN"))
pword = LCase(Request.Form("PWD"))
email = LCase(Request.Form("EM"))
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
objConn.Open("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=d:\domains\\wisemonk\authuser\users.mdb")
objRS.ActiveConnection = objConn
objRS.Source = "SELECT * FROM users"
objRS.LockType = 3
While Not objRS.EOF
If (objRS.Fields.Item("username").Value = uname) OR (objRS.Fields.Item("email").Value
= email) Then
Response.Write("That Username or Email is already in the database")
aok = False
aok = True
End If
If aok = True Then
rndnum = Int(((9521 - 521 + 1) * Rnd) + 521)
With objRS
.Fields("username") = uname
.Fields("password") = pword
.Fields("email") = email
.Fields("status") = "N" & rndnum
End With
Set objCDO = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
objCDO.To = email
objCDO.From = "Validation Committee on Validating"
objCDO.Subject = "Validate THIS!"
objCDO.Body = "To validate your account go here : http://yoursite/val.asp?e="
& email & "&c=N" & rndnum & vbCrLf & "If the link does not work then
remember that your email is " & email & " and your authorization code is
N" & rndnum & vbCrLf & "-Validation Committee on Validating"
Set objCDO = Nothing
Response.Write("We send you an email with instructions on how to validate
your account")
End If
Set objConn = Nothing
Set objRS = Nothing
%> |
Ok, that was quite a bit of code, but here is
the explanation of what it does =
- It first gets all of the information from
the form that was submitted.
- Then opens a database connection to the
database and fills a recordset from the database.
- Next it loops through all of the rows in the
recordset looking for any fields that match the username or email address.
- If none are found then it sets aok to True
and continues.
- If aok is True then it inserts the user into
the database. Note that the status is N[random number]. This random number
is the authorization code.
- It then sends an email using CDONTS to the
user with the link and the auth code.
The reason for the auth code is so that a user
can't just use a false email (eg. and then validate it
by going to val.asp? The code is only in the database
and in the email sent.
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