The RC build now supports the ability to
quickly navigate between the Controllers and Views within your projects.
When your cursor is within a Controller action
method you can type Ctrl-M, Ctrl-G to quickly navigate to its corresponding
view template. You can also perform this same navigation jump by
right-clicking within the action method and selecting the “Go To View” menu
Figure 19
In the example above we used the “Go To View” command within
the “Edit” action method of the ProductsController class. This will cause
the \Views\Products\Edit.aspx view template to be opened and have the default
focus within VS:
Figure 20
Within view templates you can also now type Ctrl-M, Ctrl-G
to quickly navigate to the view’s corresponding Controller class. You can
also perform this navigation jump by right-clicking within the view template
and selecting the “Go To Controller” menu option:
Figure 21