LINQ the Bridge between the world of Objects & the world of Data
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by Abdulla Hussein AbdelHaq
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LINQ to Object


To get start working with LINQ, we need to create a class, let's name it "Student" class that contains student name, student grade and student class.

 All next samples will be applied on this class.

Listing 3: Student Class

Public Class Student
    Private _stName As String = String.Empty
    Private _stGrade As String = String.Empty
    Private _stClass As String = String.Empty
    Public Sub New(ByVal nme As StringByVal grd As StringByVal cls As String)
        _stName = nme
        _stGrade = grd
        _stClass = cls
    End Sub
    Public Property StudentName() As String
            Return _stName
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            _stName = value
        End Set
    End Property
    Public Property StudentGrade() As String
            Return _stGrade
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            _stGrade = value
        End Set
    End Property
    Public Property StudentClass() As String
            Return _stClass
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            _stClass = value
        End Set
    End Property
End Class


Now create an object from that class and add some new elements.

Listing 4.

Dim objStudent As New List(Of Student)
objStudent.Add(New Student("Abdulla", "92""10"))
objStudent.Add(New Student("Ali", "98""8"))
objStudent.Add(New Student("Rula""95", "10"))
objStudent.Add(New Student("Oday", "95""9"))
objStudent.Add(New Student("Belal""79", "8"))
objStudent.Add(New Student("Sara", "80""8"))


Ok, if I ask you to list only student who is name contain "a" character, and his grade more than 90, and he should be in 10 class, Also I want the list to be displayed order by student name descending.

 Finally I want student name to be shown in lowercase mode.

Let's solve this using the regular code, look at Listing 5

Listing 5 Regular Code

   Dim obj2 As New List(Of Student)
    Dim strName, strGrade, strClass As String
        For i As Integer = 0 To objStudent.Count - 1
            If objStudent.Item(i).StudentName.Contains("a"Then
                If objStudent.Item(i).StudentGrade > 90 Then
                    If objStudent.Item(i).StudentClass = 10 Then
                        strName = objStudent.Item(i).StudentName.ToLower
                        strGrade = objStudent.Item(i).StudentGrade
                        strClass = objStudent.Item(i).StudentClass
                        obj2.Add(New Student(strName, strGrade, strClass))
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        Me.GridView1.DataSource = obj2


Even it was a very simple question, but we have used for loop, 3 nested if condition and we declared new generic list of Student class to collect the filtered students and new three variables too. In addition we used the reverse method to get the new student list to be order in descending way.

Now let's see how LINQ could solve that question only in one line of code using query statements!

Take another Look to the list of student, and make it as you are looking to a table in SQL server.

Listing 6: LINQ code


Me.GridView1.DataSource = From st in objStudent _ 
Where st.StudentName.Contains("a") _ 
AND st.StudentGrade > 90 AND st.StudentClass = 10 _
Order By st.StudentName Descending
Select st.StudentName.Tolower, st.StudentGrade, st.StudentClass _




SQL statement within VB code, amazing ! Not yet, LINQ return results of type IEnumerable(Of T) (T here will be Student Class), which means that you can bind it directly to any databound control, also LINQ result is a safe type object! I really appreciate that.


What about grouping, can I do that with LINQ? Yes you can, look at Listing 7, LINQ groups our student list to be grouped by student class.

Listing 7: LINQ grouping

Me.GridView1.DataSource = from st in objStudent _
group st by st.StudentClass


If you note that in Listing 7, I did not use "select" statement! If you did not specify certain property in select statement, then LINQ will return by default all properties in that object.

We can also skip out some rows and take a certain rows too. Listing 8, LINQ will skip the first 3 rows that returned from the query, and it will take only 10 rows.

Listing 8: LINQ Skip, Take


Me.GridView1.DataSource = (From st in objStudent _ 
Where st.StudentName.Contains("a") _ 
AND st.StudentGrade > 90 AND st.StudentClass = 10 _
 Order By st.StudentName Descending
Select st.StudentName.Tolower, st.StudentGrade, st.StudentClass).Skip(3).Take(10);


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User Comments

Title: G8   
Date: 2010-12-22 7:05:14 PM
Title: Nice One...!   
Name: Sam
Date: 2010-11-27 12:27:17 AM
Not Bad...It Helps....
Title: Really veryt very good   
Name: Yashvi
Date: 2009-12-15 6:14:23 AM
I had read a lot links to understand LINQ. But i didn't get anything to implement. But yours one is very usefull
Title: Very Useful Links   
Name: Horses
Date: 2009-06-01 12:20:14 PM
Very Useful Links are provided here in this article. It is really a nice experience for me to visit your site & read some Quality articles. Thanks.

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