Create Automated Blogs Rapidly
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by Anand Narayanaswamy
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In order to use the product, you will need to add a blog by selecting either Click Here to Begin or Add New Blog button from the Welcome page.

Figure 1

As mentioned above the blog can either be a site built with the hosted version of WordPress or Blogger. Blogger is free but I noticed that they flagged my demo site as SPAM. Hence, I suggest using the software with WordPress.

Figure 2

As soon as you enter the username and password, the system attempts to connect to the server and grab the relevant blogs.

Figure 3

I found that the software displays the password as raw text which is of course not a good idea. I hope that the vendor will take this issue into consideration during the release of next version.

As you can see above, the system features the ability to place images in a separate FTP server and to set maximum number of posts to be fetched. Moreover, you can also schedule the postings by setting a time interval. I hope this feature will keep the server from becoming too busy if you are making a lot of posts to your website.

As soon as you click Add Blog button from Figure 2, the product prompts you to add a RSS Feed URL.

Figure 4

The product automatically extracts sample content from the feed when you click the Start Scan button as shown below.

Figure 5

You have to select Yes from the dialog in which content closely resembles either the first paragraph or looks like real content. You should not select the content in which junk characters and HTML tags are displayed. I would prefer to view the content in Wizard layout so that I can go back and select the correctly displayed content.

The product then provides an option to translate content. If you select the option No, your feed will be added to the system after you select the relevant blog name. You also have an option to insert the original link of the article being displayed.

Figure 6

The next process is to fetch articles from the feed by right clicking on the feed name and selecting Update Feed option. The articles will be displayed on the grid and clicking Post to Blog button after selecting the article titles will enable you to post them to the relevant blog. The feed icon will be greyed out after the content has been posted to the blog.

Figure 7

I noticed that even though the software does the specified job it doesn’t post complete articles to the blog from the feed. However, few articles are fetched completely and it entirely depends upon the coding implemented on the website. If you are unable to extract full content then I would suggest you to make use of the second option (between a known location) for extraction.

The product has the built-in ability to post articles from text files. If you are actively following the web, you can see that the content is distributed through PLR media. This means that you can freely post articles which are supplied in Text Files. Auto Blogging Software captures the content from these files and posts them to the respective blogs. In order to start the process, you should right click the blog name and select Import PLR Articles. The following dialog will be displayed

You should choose the location where the text files are located by clicking the icon and a sample article will be displayed in a message box. You will have the option to translate the content and the resulting articles from the specified folder will be added to software. I found that the articles are added fast since they are located in the same system. You can then publish the articles to your blog by selecting Post to Blog button.

The demo version inserts a link to the product at the end of each article but it will be removed once you activate the software with a product key by purchasing the product. The vendor provides excellent support through e-mail and also maintains a dedicated forum which can be accessed at

The vendor is working hard to integrate various new features into the product which includes a facility to import text files (PLR Articles) located in your computer and posting them to the respective blogs. I noticed that many vendors have developed highly priced product which perform the same task. I feel that Auto Blogging Software ability to make use of both RSS Feeds and Text Files will surely make the product highly successful and useful for many webmasters who want to create revenue generating websites.

I feel that there will be no copyright issues since full credit is given in the form of the original link at the end of each post for the articles published through RSS Feeds. This rule is not applicable to the articles loaded from the text files since you have the right to publish the content. However, you should read the license to make sure that only legal content is posted to your blog.

The vendor is working hard to implement several new features into the product and is truly a great tool for bloggers who want to extract content from reputed sites. You will also get 10,000 free licensed articles through a separate e-mail which you will receive after purchase of the software.

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