Announcing Entity Framework Code-First (CTP 5 release)
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by Scott Guthrie
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EF Code First Assembly and Namespace

The CTP5 release of EF Code First has an updated assembly name, and new .NET namespace:

Assembly Name: EntityFramework.dll

Namespace: System.Data.Entity

These names match what we plan to use for the final release of the library.

Nice New CTP5 Improvements

The new CTP5 release of EF Code First contains a bunch of nice improvements and refinements. Some of the highlights include:

Better support for Existing Databases

Built-in Model-Level Validation and DataAnnotation Support

Fluent API Improvements

Pluggable Conventions Support

New Change Tracking API

Improved Concurrency Conflict Resolution

Raw SQL Query/Command Support

The rest of this blog post contains some more details about a few of the above changes.

Better Support for Existing Databases

EF Code First makes it really easy to create model layers that work against existing databases.  CTP5 includes some refinements that further streamline the developer workflow for this scenario.

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