The MicrosoftAjaxApplicationServices.js
script file includes a Sys.Services.AuthenticationService.login
function that makes an asynchronous HTTP request to the server-side service,
passing in the supplied credentials. If the credentials are valid then the user
is signed into the site.
Listing 7 shows the code for the attemptLogin
and onLoginComplete functions. The attemptLogin
function is called when the user clicks the "Log In" button from the
login user interface and is responsible for calling the Sys.Services.AuthenticationService.login
function. The onLoginComplete function is a callback
function that is executed when the browser receives the response from the
server-side service. This function is passed a Boolean value indicating whether
the credentials were valid or not. If the credentials were valid then the page
is reloaded, otherwise the invalidCredentials <div>
element is displayed.
Listing 7 - The Sys.Services.AuthenticationService.login
function is called when the user clicks the "Log In" button from the
login user interface.
function attemptLogin(redirectUrl) {
var loginUsername = $("#loginUsername"),
loginPassword = $("#loginPassword"),
loginRememberMe = $("#loginRememberMe");
loginUsername.val(), // username
loginPassword.val(), // password":checked"), // isPersistent
null, // reserved for future use
redirectUrl, // redirectUrl
onLoginComplete, // loginCompleteCallback
null, // failedCallback
null); // userContext
function onLoginComplete(validCredentials) {
var invalidCredentials = $("#invalidCredentials"),
loginPassword = $("#loginPassword");
if (validCredentials === true) {
else {;
Take a moment to examine the input parameters passed to the Sys.Services.AuthenticationService.login function. The first three
parameters - userName, password,
and isPersistent - are the three values passed into
the server-side service's Login method, and are self-explanatory.
If specified, the redirectUrl
parameter indicates the URL the user is redirected to upon successfully logging
The loginCompleteCallback
parameter specifies the function to call when the response returns from the
server, whereas failedCallback is the function to
call if the attempted service call fails. Note that the loginCompleteCallback
function is executed whether the supplied credentials are valid or not; the failedCallback function is only invoked if there was an
error in making the HTTP request to the server-side service or if the service
threw an exception.
The userContext parameter can be
used to pass information to the loginCompleteCallback
or failedCallback functions.
The attemptLogin function accepts a redirectUrl input parameter, which is passed into the Sys.Services.AuthenticationService.login function's redirectUrl input parameter. The net effect is that if a redirectUrl input parameter value is supplied to the attemptLogin function then the user is redirected to the
specified URL after successfully signing in. If this parameter value is not
provided then the current page the user is visiting is reloaded after sign in. In
the demo available for download, the attemptLogin
function is called when the user clicks the "Log In" button in the
login user interface. This function is called without
specifying a redirectUrl input parameter, as Listing
8 shows, which means that after logging in the user will remain on the current
page. However, you could modify this script so that the user is redirected to a
particular page, such as /Default.aspx, upon sign in.
Listing 8 - The attemptLogin function is called
when the "Log In" button is clicked.
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#loginLogin").click(function () {
// Reloads the current page on login
// Redirects the user to the homepage on login
// attemptLogin('/Default.aspx');