A very common task in web applications revolves around determining who the current user is and whether or not they are authorized to access a particular resource. To support these tasks, a suite of security controls is included in ASP.NET 2.0. These controls include:
- Login
- Prompts user for login name and password
- Supports usual options such as Forgot Password link and Remember Password? checkbox
- Integrates with Membership provider
- LoginName
- A simple control that displays the current logged in user's name (or nothing if the user is not authenticated).
- LoginStatus
- Another simple but very common control, this one displays a link to the Login page if the user is not authenticated, otherwise it displays a link to the Logout page.
- LoginView
- Allows custom content to be displayed based on whether the user is logged in.
- Content can be customized for individual user roles.
- PasswordRecovery
- Displays a Forgot Your Password? dialog and allows you to easily choose one of several common mechanisms for sending or resetting a user's password