Reusing and Creating Server Controls
page 4 of 4
by Justin Lovell
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An Ending Note

Hopefully, that has briefed you on when and how to make a good decision of which control class to inherit from when building your next server control. Next week, I will deal with composite controls. It is a very extensive article on the different techniques that may be used with developing server controls.

Again, if you have any feedback about the article or ideas for the series, please contact me via the feed back page (which the link is located at the top of the page). Someone gave some feed back that the articles were quite lengthy and I was not stunned to hear that at all. So I broke down the series of articles a lot further and hopefully, the length of all possible code examples does not lure you away from reading the series. I thought it was lengthy at first and it is great to hear that I was not alone.

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User Comments

Title: AddAttribute/RenderBeginTag sequence   
Name: Kevmeister
Date: 2005-12-08 8:50:14 PM
Shouldn't the AddAttribute calls be executed *before* the RenderBeginTag?
Title: Sockets   
Name: Madhusudan
Date: 2004-09-08 8:37:47 AM
I need to distribute a control that enacpsulates the socket class. Is it possible to inherit from the socket class and write a custom web control ?
Title: Re: composite control   
Name: Justin Lovell
Date: 2004-08-24 1:23:42 PM

I have already written an article on the basics of databinding for server controls. You can read this information from here:

And if you want to see how the templates part work out, then you can also read another article that I have written over here:
Title: composite control   
Name: Senthil
Date: 2004-08-24 9:16:32 AM
I need to create a user control i want to assign various properties to it ,all the text propeties etc are felt easy to me,but i need to bind the database to my serve control and retrive data to that as like how the boundcolumn hav dataTextField like that i want to create and bound my data to the struggling to it for the past wk's can u help me regd this

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