Securing your site with web.config
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The web.config file


web.config does most of the work for you as it tells the application the who, what, where, when and how to be authenticated (it doesn't need to tell it why).


<authentication mode="mode">


This is the beginnings of something bigger. The <authentication> tags and what goes between is everything ASP.NET needs to know to provide security. The 'mode' property is about how to authenticate, the possible values are - Windows, Forms and Passport.

Note : <authentication> only works in the root folder of the virtual directory's web.config, not subfolders.

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User Comments

Title: great   
Name: jhon
Date: 2004-09-09 3:51:04 AM
this is great!!!!!
Title: great   
Name: great
Date: 2004-09-09 3:50:17 AM
this is great!!!!!!11

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