The Actual Control
None of this will work, without the all-important control. Below is some of the code for the control.
<Designer("AGASPCC.DesignerHtml, AGASPCC")> _ Public Class DesignerSample Inherits System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl Implements IPostBackEventHandler
Private _Text() As String = {""} ..... |
This is the only change that needs to be made to the class at this moment.
The Designer attribute takes one parameter - the fully qualified class name and location. In case you have no idea what this means, think of it
like -
[Class Location], [Namespace]
For example -
MyNamespace.MySubNamespace.MyClass, MyNamespace.MySubNamespace
Now, if you combine the code from before (with the static array) with this code (all is available at the end of the article if you're confused) then you should have a working sample (and no error message).