Introducing HTTPModules
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The ASP.NET Page Flow and HTTPModules

The ASP.NET Flow and HTTPModule

When the request gets sent to the HTTPApplication object, it then gets sent to any HTTPModules that are registered in the web.config file of the application.

There are already HTTPModules in ASP.NET that are a part of every application. These include authentication, authorization and session state modules and if you've ever handled the Session_Start or Session_End events in global.asax then you have used these modules (specifically the session state module).

Why use an HTTPModule

HTTPModules can take the request and do anything to it before a Page object is created and used. For example, if you only wanted people using Netscape to access your pages, then you could write an HTTPModule that executed before a Page was created to block other browsers. You could also use it to monitor performance counters or calculate the elapsed time for a request.

What is an HTTPModule

An HTTPModule qualifies as anything that implements the IHTTPModule interface. The interface only has two methods -

Public Interface IHttpModule

Public Sub Dispose()
Public Sub Init(context as HttpApplication)

End Interface

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Title: thak you....   
Name: veni.R.L
Date: 2005-05-18 1:27:46 AM
thank you....

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