Working with SharePoint Templates
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by Ameet Phadnis
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Building Your Own SharePoint Template

What Do You Need?

In order to start building your own template, you can either start from scratch or start from using a previously built template. For this article, I will just use an existing template - SPSTOC. SPSTOC template is for Contents Area. Also, you will have to decide on some unique description for your template.

The second information you need is the zones needed for the template and the locations of the zones. It's important to note that you are not restricted to having zones in specific areas. You can even have zones on the headers. For this article, I will create a zone in the header area on the left of Sub Area Title.

The next step is to decide what web parts will be included by default on the Templates page.

Finally, if you plan on displaying default lists that are provided by SharePoint, you need to decide the fields needed to be displayed by default.

New Template Folder

I will be calling my folder SPSArticle. Please note that for SharePoint templates you must follow the standard naming convention of starting the folder name with SPS.

I will copy SPSTOC and paste it under C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\60\TEMPLATE\1033.

Rename the Copy of SPSTOC folder to SPSArticle. The SPSArticle folder will now have 3 folders under it called DocTemp, List, and XML. It will also contain a default.aspx page.

Default.aspx Page

Default.aspx page is the page that will be used to build your sub area page.

Default.aspx page is similar to any page build in ASP.NET, except that the default.aspx page is inherited from Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.WebControls.WebPartPage.

At the top, you will see some registration definitions of different Web User Controls.

<%@ Register Tagprefix="SharePoint"
  Assembly="Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=,
    PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c" %> 
<%@ Register Tagprefix="WebPartPages"
Version=, Culture=neutral, 
    PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c" %> 
<%@ Register Tagprefix="SPSWC"
Version=, Culture=neutral, 
    PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c" %> 
<%@ Register Tagprefix="SPSSUBWC" 

Version=, Culture=neutral, 
    PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c" %>

If you have built some web part which you would like to add as static web part on this page, or, in other words, you would like to add a web part somewhere outside the web part zones, then you will need to register it as above, give it some TagPrefix, and use it as you would use a normal Web User Control. The SPSWC Web Control library has information on various SharePoint Web Controls used on the default.aspx page, including the Web Navigation Controls or Web Menus on SharePoint.

The remainder of the page is just an HTML page using different Web User Controls. I would like to highlight some key information related to Web Part zones before I proceed and add my own Web Part Zone to this default.aspx page. Please scroll to the Table Structure for Zones. The code will look similar to this.

<table border="0"
cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" ID="ZoneTable" 
  width="100%" class="ms-tztable">

  <tr ID="TopRow" > 
    <td valign="top"
ID="TopCell" width="100%" colspan="2"
runat="server" AllowPersonalization="false" 
        ID="TopZone" Title="Top
Zone" Orientation="Vertical"/> 
        <!-- _locID@Title="L_TopZone_Title"
  <tr ID="MiddleRow"> 
    <td valign="top"
ID="MiddleLeftCell" width="100%"
runat="server" AllowPersonalization="false" 
        ID="MiddleLeftZone" Title="Middle
Left Zone" Orientation="Vertical"/>
_locID@Title="L_MiddleLeftZone_Title" --> 
    <td valign="top"
ID="MiddleRightCell" width="0%"
      <div class="ms-tzmrdiv">
        <WebPartPages:WebPartZone runat="server"
Title="Middle Right Zone" Orientation="Vertical"/> 
_locID@Title="L_MiddleRightZone_Title" -->
  <tr ID="BottomRow"
    <td valign="top"
ID="BottomCell" width="100%" colspan="2">
runat="server" AllowPersonalization="false" 
Title="Bottom Zone" Orientation="Vertical"/>
_locID@Title="L_BottomZone_Title" --> 

The above table structure defines the Zone table. The WebPartZone definition is as follows.

runat="server" AllowPersonalization="false" 
  ID="MiddleLeftZone" Title="Middle
Left Zone" Orientation="Vertical"/>

The important properties that needs to be highlighted are:

AllowPersonalization - When set to false this zone cannot be altered in Personal View.

ID - Unique name given to the zone. This name is used in Onet.xml to add web parts to the zone by default.

Title - Some kind of description that will be displayed in design mode on SharePoint.

Orientation - This determines how new web parts are added to the web part zone. When set to Vertical, web parts are added vertically.

AllowCustomization - This property is not displayed in the code. When you do not want anyone to modify a specific zone, you can set this property to false. If the property is set to false, then no one can change anything in this web part zone in Shared View. This is extremely useful when you would like to add a web part during the creation of the template through Onet.xml.

Now, we will add one web part zone in place of the spsPageTitleIcon image. Find the <img element for spsPageTitleIcon and remove it.  We will add a new web part zone for users to add an image Web Part in place of spsPageTitleIcon image.

Add the following code in place of the img element.

runat="server" AllowPersonalization="false" 
  ID="ImageZone" Title="Image Zone"

With the above code, when you view this page in design mode, you will see the title area as follows.

Figure 2

Notice a new web part zone called Image Zone has been added at the top.

Summary about Default.aspx Page

You can do the following in the default.aspx page:

1. Add Web Part Zones.

2. Create look and feel of the template.

3. Add Web User Controls that needs be displayed as static.


This file is located under the XML folder under your templates folder. Onet.xml file determines what contents are created when your sub area is created. This article will discuss the following elements in Onet.xml:

1. ListTemplates

2. Configurations

3. Modules

4. DocumentTemplates in case of Document Library only

Finally, in this section we will do the following:

1. Add multiple document libraries to the contents.

2. Add links list to the contents.

3. Display the document libraries in different Web Part Zones.

4. Display the links list in a Web Part Zone.

ListTemplates section in Onet.xml: This section explains the different lists to be used with the template. For the purpose of this article I will look at the Document Library list and Links list. Please note that anything in SharePoint is a list.

<ListTemplate Name="doclib"
DisplayName="Document Library" Type="101"
  Description="Create a document library when
you have a collection of documents 
    or other files that you want to share.
Document libraries support features 
    such as sub-folders, file versioning, and
<ListTemplate Name="favorite"
DisplayName="Links" Type="103" BaseType="0" 
  Description="Create a links list when you
have links to Web pages or other 
    resources that you want to share."

Things to note in the above code are the Name, DisplayName, and Type.

Name - Name is the folder name given to the list under the Lists folder under your template folder. The Document Libraries folder is called doclib, and the links folder is called favorite as shown above.

Display Name - This name is a unique name given to the list. In case you are going to have multiple document libraries, you create another entry of the same element and change the Display Name and Type.

Type - This is a unique identifier given to the list. You can assign your own identifiers to the list, but then you have to use that ID in the rest of the xml file.

Another important attribute to note under Document Library element is DocumentTemplate. There are different document templates that are supported in the document library. The ID attribute points to the exact DocumentTemplate element. DocumentTemplates is explained later.

I am going to make a few changes to the document library element to allow us to add multiple document libraries to my contents for the sub area.

Let's make a copy of the document library element and paste it below the original doclib entry. Your code will look like this.

<ListTemplate Name="doclib"
DisplayName="Document Library" Type="101"
  Description="Create a document library when
you have a collection of documents 
    or other files that you want to share.
Document libraries support features 
    such as sub-folders, file versioning, and
<ListTemplate Name="doclib"
DisplayName="Document Library 2" Type="1001" 
  BaseType="1" OnQuickLaunch="TRUE"
  Description="Create a document library when
you have a collection of documents 
    or other files that you want to share.
Document libraries support features 
    such as sub-folders, file versioning, and

Note that the first Document Library is as it is while I changed the DisplayName and Type for the second document library.

Configurations Section in Onet.xml - This section will allow us to define what lists are created on pages. You can have multiple ASPX pages under your template. You have to define the pages in the modules section of the Configurations Section. The typical Modules Section will look like this.

  <Module Name="Default" />
  <Module Name="WebPartPopulation"

The lists for the default page are defined under the Lists section of the Configuration Section. Typical Lists section will be as follows.

  <List Title="Document Library" 
    Description="Provides a place to store
documents for this area." Type="101" 
    Url="Document Library"
QuickLaunchUrl="Document Library/Forms/AllItems.aspx">
_locID@Title="L_DocumentLibrary_Title" -->
    <!-- _locID@Description="L_DocumentLibrary_Description"
  <List Title="Image Library" 
    Description="Provides a place to store
images for this area." Type="109" 
    Url="Image Library"
QuickLaunchUrl="Image Library/Forms/AllItems.aspx">
    <!-- _locID@Title="L_ImageLibrary_Title"
_locID@Description="L_ImageLibrary_Description" -->
  <List Title="Site Template Gallery"
Type="111" Url="_catalogs/wt" 
_locID@Title="L_WebTemplateCatalog_Title" -->
  <List Title="Web Part Gallery"
Type="113" Url="_catalogs/wp"
_locID@Title="L_WebPartCatalog_Title" -->

In the above scenario, you are creating Document Library list and Image Library List by default.

For this article, I am going to create another document library list called Article Document Library. Insert the following code before the Image Library list.

<List Title="Article Document Library"

  Description="Provides a place to store
article documents for this area." 
  Type="1001" Url="Document Library
  QuickLaunchUrl="Document Library
_locID@Title="L_DocumentLibrary_Title" -->
  <!-- _locID@Description="L_DocumentLibrary_Description"

Note the Type attribute is set to 1001 the list template we had created in the earlier section. With all the above changes done, you will have 2 document libraries under the Contents on the Sub Area as follows.

Figure 3

Finally, to create a link list, you will insert the following code under the Lists section

<List Title="Article Sites"
Description="Article Site Links" Type="103">

Note the Type is pointing to the ID defined in the ListTemplates section.

Modules section in Onet.xml - The modules section decides which web part displays on the different web part zones. Typical code will look like this.

  <Module Name="Default"
Url="" Path="">
    <File Url="default.aspx"
WebPartZoneID="TopZone" WebPartOrder="0"><![CDATA[
<WebPart xmlns="">
Version=, Culture=neutral,
  <Title>Area Detail Part</Title>
  <Description>Area Detail Part</Description>
WebPartZoneID="TopZone" WebPartOrder="1"><![CDATA[
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c</Assembly>
  <Title>Browse Topics By</Title>
  <Description>TOC Part</Description>
  <Module Name="WebPartPopulation"
List="113" Url="_catalogs/wp"
    <File Url="MSContentEditor.dwp"
Type="GhostableInLibrary" />
    <File Url="MSImage.dwp"
Type="GhostableInLibrary" />
    <File Url="MSPageViewer.dwp"
Type="GhostableInLibrary" />

Note that the WebPartZoneID is pointing to the ID Property on the WebPartZone control as defined in the default.aspx section above. For this article, I am going to display the document libraries defined and the link list on the default.aspx page.

I will display the document libraries on the left zone and the link list on the right zone.

Replace the above code for Default Module section as follows.

<Module Name="Default"
Url="" Path="">
  <File Url="default.aspx"
    <View List="103"
WebPartOrder="0" />
    <View List="101"
BaseViewID="0" WebPartZoneID="MiddleLeftZone" 
        WebPartOrder="0" />
    <View List="1001"
BaseViewID="0" WebPartZoneID="MiddleLeftZone" 
        WebPartOrder="1" />

Note: To display the link list, I have set the List Property to 103, the ID defined in the ListTemplates section. Also, note that for Document Library, we have used the IDs 101 and 1001 as we have defined in ListTemplates section above. The WebPartZoneIds are pointing to the ID property defined in the default.aspx page. Also, the WebPartOrder determines the order in which  the web parts are displayed on the Page.

After completion of the above section, you will have a Sub Area as follows when you create a new Template.

Figure 4

Now you have two document Libraries, called Document Library and Article Document Library, and one link list called Article Sites.

DocumentTemplates in Onet.xml - I would like to mention this section for those readers who might be wondering how to create a document library for Excel Documents. The Document Templates section lists all the templates allowed for Document Library section. Please note the attribute documenttemplate in the listtemplate element refers to the Type Attribute in the DocumentTemplate element. Typical definitions for document template are as follows.

<DocumentTemplate DisplayName="Microsoft
Office Word document" Type="101" 
  Default="TRUE" Description="A
blank Microsoft Office Word document.">
Default="TRUE" />
<DocumentTemplate DisplayName="Microsoft
Office Excel spreadsheet" Type="103" 
  Description="A blank Microsoft Office Excel
Default="TRUE" />

Also, note that you can specify the document template file to be used for the document library. These document template files are stored under the doctemp folder under your templates folder.


Before wrapping up this article, I would like to highlight one more file that is located under each and every lists folder. This schema.xml document has all the information required for displaying the lists to the user. Complete explanation of this file could take one full article, but I would like to demonstrate how you can change the default view of the document library. Going back to our previous image, by default the document library displays the Type, Name, and Modified By fields. I would like to change the default view to display the Created Date instead of the Modified By field.

First, I open the schema.xml file under doclib folder under my SPSArticle Template. Then, I find the BaseViewID="0". Please note this is the ID that was used to display the document library on the page by using this code.

<View List="103"
BaseViewID="0" WebPartZoneID="MiddleRightZone" 
  WebPartOrder="0" />

Under this view, I will find the ViewFields section. The section will look like this.


Based on the above code, the default view displays the Type, Name, and Modified By fields. Change the editor field to Created_x0020_Date. The code will look like this.


Now the screen should be similar to Figure 5.

Figure 5


Now that all the files are in place, we need to let the SharePoint know that we have a new template for it to use. We can make a copy of WEBTEMPSPS.xml file and create a new file. I created a new file called WEBTEMPSPSARTICLE.xml. I inserted the following code.

<?xml version="1.0"
encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- _lcid="1033"
_version="11.0" _dal="1" -->
<!-- _LocalBinding -->
<Templates xmlns:ows="Microsoft SharePoint">
 <Template Name="SPSArticle"
    <Configuration ID="0"
Title="Article area Template" Type="0"
Description="Article Area Template.">

Make sure that the ID assigned to this template is above 10000.


In this article, you have learned the important aspects of creating a SharePoint Template with the help of examples.

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User Comments

Title: tHANKS   
Date: 2011-04-19 10:04:14 AM
Title: Great technique!   
Name: Anindo Mukherjee
Date: 2009-12-27 7:58:36 PM
Great technique.
Title: Nice   
Name: Jelly
Date: 2008-08-14 3:14:20 AM
This article is helpful...
but what if I want to fix the size of the document library web part displayed on the web page?...
Any ideas of how to do that?
Title: Very Nice Article   
Name: Chandrashekhar Bhadane
Date: 2007-10-31 8:51:11 AM

Really this is very nice and useful articles for us

thank u very much
Title: Good Article   
Name: Joydeep Banerjee
Date: 2007-09-07 8:32:33 AM
Good job.....
Title: Great Article   
Name: Kabir S.
Date: 2006-10-20 12:39:07 PM
Hi!! This article is just great. Thanks a lot.
Title: Good Article   
Name: Jobita Alukka
Date: 2006-09-26 11:39:51 AM
Very well written, and covers all the important points that you need to know. Helped me a lot with what I'm trying to do.

Title: Enable document library version option   
Name: Syed Adnan Ahmed
Date: 2006-09-21 10:06:36 AM

This is really an excellent article. I have to do something similar to that with one addition, which is, when user create new portal area by using new area template, versioning should be enable on all document libraries within that area.
I looked for internet to find any clue, but unsuccessfull. If would appreciate, if you can assist me on this issue.

Syed Adnan Ahmed
SharePoint Consultant
Storm Technology
Title: Its useful artical   
Name: Mahendra Ghedia
Date: 2006-06-20 5:04:31 PM
This argical is too good... it helped me a lot...
and the way of presentation is realy good anyone can understand easyly....

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