Scott did mention in his article some drawbacks for his
method. Mainly, he pointed to the fact of using the Session ID to determine
the file name used to store the view state. This solution will work fine in
browsers that do accept session-level cookies. However, it will fail in
browsers that do not support cookies because on each visit to the page a new
Session ID is generated for them and this technique will break down.
However, he did mention a solution to this problem. The
solution would consist of generating a GUID for each page and using the GUID
together with the page name as the file name used to store the view state. Then
to make sure the same GUID is used for the same page, we need to store the GUID
in a hidden field inside the page.
Another challenge Scott mentioned was removing the view
state files from the file system when they are no more used. He left this
challenge for the readers to figure out.