Building a SQL Server 2005 Integration Services Package Using Visual Studio 2005
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by Jayaram Krishnaswamy
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Building the Project and Executing the Package

Now build the project and execute the package using the drop-down menu by right clicking the package in the Project explorer.  After the execution is complete, various items may be verified.  The design window shows that the package executed and 27 rows were copied.

Figure 59

After the execution of the Package, you may verify that the table "Departments" is copied over to the SsisEditor's database in the MS SQL 2005 Server.

Clicking on the Package Explorer tab on the previous figure shows the contents in Figure 60 with completely expanded nodes of the objects designed.


Figure 60

Again, clicking on the Progress button allows us to see its contents.


Figure 61



The Debug message at the end of the execution comes with a number of steps in the execution as shown in Figure 62.

Figure 62


The message content for one of the runs is as follows:

SSIS package "July18_06.dtsx" starting.

Information: 0x4004300A at Ora_2k5, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.

Warning: 0x80202066 at Ora_2k5, Source -OraXe_Departments [1]: Cannot retrieve the column code page info from the OLE DB provider.  If the component supports the "DefaultCodePage" property, the code page from that property will be used.  Change the value of the property if the current string code page values are incorrect.  If the component does not support the property, the code page from the component's locale ID will be used.

Information: 0x40043006 at Ora_2k5, DTS.Pipeline: Prepare for Execute phase is beginning.

Information: 0x40043007 at Ora_2k5, DTS.Pipeline: Pre-Execute phase is beginning.

Warning: 0x80202066 at Ora_2k5, Source -OraXe_Departments [1]: Cannot retrieve the column code page info from the OLE DB provider.  If the component supports the "DefaultCodePage" property, the code page from that property will be used.  Change the value of the property if the current string code page values are incorrect.  If the component does not support the property, the code page from the component's locale ID will be used.

Information: 0x4004300C at Ora_2k5, DTS.Pipeline: Execute phase is beginning.

Information: 0x402090DF at Ora_2k5, SQL 2k5 Destination [58]: The final commit for the data insertion has started.

Information: 0x402090E0 at Ora_2k5, SQL 2k5 Destination [58]: The final commit for the data insertion has ended.

Information: 0x40043008 at Ora_2k5, DTS.Pipeline: Post Execute phase is beginning.

Information: 0x40043009 at Ora_2k5, DTS.Pipeline: Cleanup phase is beginning.

Information: 0x4004300B at Ora_2k5, DTS.Pipeline: "component "SQL 2k5 Destination" (58)" wrote 27 rows.

SSIS package "July18_06.dtsx" finished: Success.

The program '[3788] July18_06.dtsx: DTS' has exited with code 0 (0x0).


The package was renamed as July18_06.dtsx and it is located at "c:\documents and settings\jay\my documents\visual studio 2005\projects\editorbasics\editorbasics\July18_06.dtsx.

Finally, the contents of the table copied to the MS SQl 2005 Server are shown below.

Figure 63


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User Comments

Title: Question   
Name: Ram
Date: 2012-02-16 2:22:59 PM
I have installed Visual Studio 2005, but when I open Visual studio, I am unable to see the template 'Integration Services Project'. Any ideas?
Title: Big brother   
Name: Hussein Negm
Date: 2011-05-09 6:04:31 AM
Thanks a lot man! this article as roob said is a big help and the detailed explanation really helped a lot to begin using this tool. I wish you'd do more tutorials for more advanced capabilities :)
Title: Just the right article!   
Name: Roob
Date: 2010-04-22 11:55:25 AM
This article helps remove the fear of the unknown for those experienced in SQL < 2005 that are yet to make the change.
Title: Building a SQL Server 2005 Integration Services Package Using Visual Studio 2005   
Name: Ram
Date: 2009-10-23 9:26:41 AM
very nice
for a beginner very nice step to teaching
Title: Building a SQL Server 2005 Integration Services Package Using Visual Studio 2005   
Name: Jayaram Krishnaswamy
Date: 2009-07-15 12:33:32 PM
If you liked this article you may want to read to of my books written in the same style. Links to books and sample chapters are on my URL.


Title: Building a SQL Server 2005 Integration Services Package Using Visual Studio 2005   
Name: Sraswathi
Date: 2009-06-08 3:03:01 AM
Very useful article for beginners !

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