Every hotel needs to know how satisfied its visitors are
with the various services. Naturally, the overall satisfaction the visitor
feels at the end of the vacation is a composite of how she felt about each of
the various experiences.
Now almost every trained teacher (no I am not one, I only
completed a few courses) knows about Howard Gardner who postulated that we have
various types of intelligences. He described 9 major intelligences that people
have, including linguistic, mathematical, kinesthetic, interpersonal
intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence and some others. So knowing all this,
we realize that people express themselves in various ways: some are visual,
some are numeric and some are spatial. We must therefore be able to give
visitors a variety of expressions which translate into a rating.
However, the visitor rates the experience and we must be
able to translate that rating into a standardized rating scale (which
represents a standard intermediate language). We know we have a standard
rating scale if in all rating modes, the highest rating translates to a common
maximum number and the lowest rating translates into a common minimum number. There
must also be an (perceptibly) even progression between minimum and maximum ratings
coming out of the rating control.
Now, as far as the implementation side is concerned, that
signal must be fed into a rating-renderer which gives a visually consistent
rendition of the rating regardless of the evaluator used to generate the
rating. We do this by feeding the 1-to-5 rating generated by the evaluators
into it. This gives it uniformity. The rating-renderer will convert this
rating into an actual visual representation by using a graphic object to
represent the rating.
Figure 1
UML – Sample Code
Figure 2