ASPAlliance Community Author Guidelines

Community Contributions welcomes contributions from the developer community. We will accept and approve quality articles from anyone in the community provided they do not violate our article guidelines or others' rights. We do not provide compensation for community-contributed content.

If you have received an invitation to write for for compensation, please refer to our premium content guidelines.

Article Guidelines

  1. Articles can be on a variety of topics provided they are related to software development using Microsoft .NET and related technologies. 
  2. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. When in doubt, use your own words and cite all references. A References section at the end of the article is encouraged. Articles found to be plagiarized will not be published.
  3. All articles must be in English, use proper spelling and grammar, be broken into paragraphs properly (one complete/related thought per paragraph), have an introduction that orients the reader to the topic covered, a body that covers the content thoroughly and concisely, and a conclusion that wraps things up, leaving the reader feeling like the topic of the article (as stated in the introduction) has been covered adequately.
Formatting Guidelines
  1. All articles must be submitted using the Word template.
  2. Do not use custom styles or other unusual formatting in your article; stick to the styles in the template--you can embellish with bold and italics where necessary, but other formatting is not acceptable.
  3. Images should be embedded in the Word document where the author wishes them to appear in the flow of the article; they cannot be wider than the page width.
  4. Break long code lines apart into multiple lines so no code will be cut off if someone tries to print.
  5. Make sure the article displays without the need for horizontal scrolling when viewed at 1024x768 resolution. The Word template's page widths are set to approximate the available real estate on an ASPAlliance page.
  6. When referencing other articles on, use the full title URL like so:
  7. Whenever possible, include a sample project with your code which the reader can download. Preference is given to articles which include a working example of the concept for the reader to download.

Community Advice: ASP | SQL | XML | Regular Expressions | Windows

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