Web Applications with AJAX
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by Arindam Ghosh
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The scope of web applications

It is true that applications like Photoshop and CAD will be incredibly difficult to implement within a web capable container, but do we really need that? I have never used either application and I do not believe either rank highly as an everyday tool for most people running around in big businesses.

The benchmark for web applications will always be Microsoft Office or rather, the fraction its functionality that is genuinely useful to a large number of users. Once you have a web-delivered application that delivers that sort of feature set, then a totally web-based desktop environment becomes a very practical option.

Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is the ultimate web programming methodology for producing dynamic, rich web experiences - it is one of the hottest technology topics around today, and it can be used in conjunction with all of the major server-side development tools, including Java, PHP, ASP.NET, etc.

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User Comments

Title: Great Article   
Name: Raul
Date: 2007-05-10 9:38:23 AM
Wonderful article.Easy reading and very interesting and informative
Title: S.E.   
Name: Anil pandey
Date: 2007-04-28 1:10:19 AM
this artiale is realy very intresting. it simplyfies the use of AJAX in our projects
Title: call a serverside method from client site without postback using Ajax   
Name: Ritesh
Date: 2007-03-13 11:03:58 AM
How i will call a serverside method from client site without postback using Ajax ? This is the main use of Ajax which is not described.

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