Four Ways to Locally Update a Web Page
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by Xianzhong Zhu
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Sample 3

1. Create a Sample Web Site

To start, launch Visual Studio 2005 and create a new ASP.NET 2.0 web site project. Name the project CallbackRefresh (select Visual C# as the built-in language).  Populate the default Web Form (Default.aspx) with the controls as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6: The design-time snapshot of page Default.aspx in web site CallbackRefresh

In the above Figure we add a TextBox control to let the user enter the category of his/her favorite animal, a Button "Search" for the user to inquire (asynchronously from the server side) all the animals that belong to his/her selected category, and a DropDownList control to hold and show all the animals associated with the selected category.

Now, let us first figure out the client-side solution.

2. Client-side Programming

Herein we are mainly interested in the click event handler associated with the above HTML input element "btnSearch," whose source code is listed as follows:

Listing 8

function FillData()
  var ani=document.getElementById("txtCategory").value;
<%=this.ClientScript.GetCallbackEventReference(this,"ani","FillDropDownList",null)  %>;

It is pretty short. In the first sentence, we get the category name that the user has just entered while the true secrecy lies in the second sentence.

Here, we use the ASP.NET <%...> block to embed a code block in this web page (this means it is primarily to preserve backward compatibility with older ASP technology due to its easily resulting in complex programming logic. However, we use it here just for demonstration.).  In fact, an embedded code block is a piece of server-side code that executes during the page's render phase. The code in the block can execute programming statements and call functions in the current page class. So, the above sentence is equal to calling function Page.ClientScript.GetCallbackEventReference within the code-behind page. This function is responsible for implementing the callback on the client side. We have to use this method to generate client-side code, which is a must have to instantiate the asynchronous call to the server.

When you execute this page from the browser and view the HTML source code, you will see that it generates the following callback code due to the above GetCallbackEventReference method call:

Listing 9


WebForm_DoCallback is a JavaScript function that in turn invokes the XmlHttp class methods to actually perform the callback (you can refer to this article to further dig into WebForm_DoCallback).

In a nutshell, the above method GetCallbackEventReference combines the client-side function FillDropDownList with the two server-side methods - GetCallbackResult and RaiseCallbackEvent (both declared inside interface ICallbackEventHandler) remotely to achieve the client-side callback mechanism.

Now, let us turn our attention to the true client-side callback function.

Listing 10

function FillDropDownList(sAnimal)
  document.getElementById("DropDownList1").options.length = 0;
  var index;
  var ani;
  while (sAnimal.length > 0)
    index = sAnimal.indexOf(",");
    if (index > 0)
      ani = sAnimal.substring(0, index);
      sAnimal = sAnimal.substring(index + 1);
      document.getElementById("DropDownList1").add(new Option(city, city));
      document.getElementById("DropDownList1").add(new Option(sAnimal, sAnimal))

As is easily seen here, we populate the "DropDownList1" with data asynchronously returned from the server.

Now, continue with the server-side programming.

3. Server-side Programming

As introduced in the previous sections, we must let the server control (here it refers to the web page itself) implement interface ICallbackEventHandler. The following is the related code:

Listing 11

public partial class _Default: System.Web.UI.Page, ICallbackEventHandler
  private string _data;
  public string GetCallbackResult()
    return _data;
  public void RaiseCallbackEvent(string eventArgument)
    switch (eventArgument)
      case "Cat":
        _data = "Felix,John,Mary,Rossy";
      case "Dog":
        _data = "Fido,Rover,Kissy";
      case "Cow":
        _data = "Daisy,Mighty,Hassy,Hover";
      case "Parrot":
        _data = "Polly,Curo,Paul,Pazz";

Here, method RaiseCallbackEvent of interface ICallbackEventHandler is responsible for setting up values according to the passed parameter, while method GetCallbackResult merely returns the data processed by the previous method. The two methods, you see, have cooperatively accomplished the server-side task associated with the client-side callback operation.

For now, you can press F5 to start the application. Input your favorite animal category, click on the "Search" button and you will noticed the DropDownList control below is filled with animals that belong to the specified category. And also, the filling process takes place asynchronously.

Figure 7: The run-time snapshot for the callback way

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Title: d   
Name: d
Date: 2012-10-24 12:04:07 PM
Title: Locally update a web page   
Name: Santosh
Date: 2010-05-04 3:41:59 AM
It's an amazing and really very very helpful article. After reading this article, I have become a fan of this site.... I request you to not delete this article, as it may be very helpful to many people.
Title: updating a web page   
Name: Mrs.
Date: 2009-05-19 3:23:22 PM
this is great
Title: Download Links Does Not Work   
Name: Tarik
Date: 2008-11-07 9:04:04 AM
Good Article , But Please Review The Downloads Links
Title: Mr.   
Name: Joydip Kanjilal
Date: 2008-10-16 10:25:58 AM
Title: how up date webpage   
Date: 2008-09-08 10:32:32 PM

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