Currently we are displaying the foreign-key
integer values in our GridView for the Supplier and Category of each
Figure 15
While accurate from a data model perspective,
it isn't very end-user friendly. What I really want to-do is to display
the CategoryName and SupplierName instead, and provide a drop-downlist while in
Edit mode to enable end-users to easily associate the SupplierID and CategoryID
I can change the GridView to display the
Supplier Name and Category Name instead of the ID's by replacing the default
<asp:BoundField> in our GridView with an <asp:TemplateField>.
Within this TemplateField I can add any content I want to customize the look of
the column.
In the source code below I'm going to take
advantage of the fact that each Product class in the LINQ to SQL data model we
created has a Supplier and Category property on it. What this means is that I can
easily databind their Supplier.CompanyName and Category.CategoryName
sub-properties within our Grid:
Figure 16
And now when I run the application I get the human readable
Category and Supplier name values instead:
Figure 17
To get drop-down list UI for the Supplier and
Category columns while in Edit-Mode in the Grid, I will first add two
additional <asp:LinqDataSource> controls to my page. I will
configure these to bind against the Categories and Suppliers within the LINQ to
SQL data model we created earlier:
Figure 18
I can then go back to the <asp:TemplateField> columns
we added to our GridView earlier and customize their edit appearance (by
specifying an EditItemTemplate). We'll customize each column to have a
dropdownlist control when in edit mode, where the available values in the
dropdownlists are pulled from the categories and suppliers datasource controls
above, and where we two-way databind the selected value to the Product's
SupplierID and CategoryID foreign keys:
Figure 19
And now when end-users click edit in the GridView, they
are presented a drop-down list of all valid Supplier's to associate the product
Figure 20
And when they hit save the Product is updated
appropriately (the GridView will use the DropDownList's currently selected
value to bind the SupplierID).
Step 4: Filtering our Product Listing
Rather than show all products within the
database, we can update our UI to include a dropdownlist that allows the user
to filter the products by a particular category.
Because we already added a
<asp:LinqDataSource> control to the page earlier that references our
Categories within our LINQ to SQL data model, all I need to-do to create a
drop-downlist control at the top of the page that binds against this. For
Figure 21
When I run the page I'll now get a filter
dropdownlist of all categories at the top of the page:
Figure 22
My last step is to configure the GridView to
only show those Products in the category the end-user selects from the
dropdownlist. The easiest way to-do this is by selecting the
"Configure DataSource" option in the GridView smart task:
Figure 23
This will bring me back to the
<asp:LinqDataSource> control's design-time UI that we used at the very
beginning of this tutorial. I can select the "Where" button
within this to add a binding filter to the datasource control. I can add
any number of filter expressions, and declaratively pull the values to filter
by from a variety of places (for example: from the querystring, from
form-values, from other controls on the page, etc):
Figure 24
Above I'm going to choose to filter by the Products by their
CategoryID value, and then retrieve this CategoryID from the DropDownList
control we just created on our page:
Figure 25
When we hit finish, the <asp:linqdatasource> control
in our page will have been updated to reflect this filter clause like so:
Figure 26
And when we now run the page the end-user will now be able
to select from the available Categories in the filter drop-downlist and page,
sort, edit and delete just the products in that category:
Figure 27
The <asp:LinqDataSource> control will automatically
apply the appropriate LINQ filter expression when working against our LINQ to
SQL data model classes to ensure that only the required data is retrieved from
the database (for example: in the Grid above only the 3 rows of Product data
from the second page of Confection products will be retrieved from the
You can optionally handle the Selecting event on the
<asp:LinqDataSource> if you want to write a custom LINQ expression in
code to completely customize the query instead.
Step 5: Adding Business Validation Rules
As I discussed in Part 4 of this LINQ to SQL series, when we define LINQ to
SQL data models we will automatically have a default set of schema based
validation constraints added to our data model classes. This means that
if I try and enter a null value for a required column, try and assign a string
to an integer, or assign a foreign-key value to a row that doesn't exist, our
LINQ to SQL data model will raise an error and ensure that our database
integrity is maintained.
Basic schema validation is only a first step, though, and is
rarely enough for most real-world applications. Typically we'll want/need
to add additional business rules and application-level validation to our data
model classes. Thankfully LINQ to SQL makes adding these types of business
validation rules easy (for details on the various validation approaches
available, please read Part 4 of my LINQ to SQL series).
Example Business Validation Rule Scenario
For example, let's consider a basic business logic rule we
might want to enforce. Specifically, we want to ensure that a user of our
application can't discontinue a product while we still have units on backorder
for it:
Figure 28
If a user tries to save the above row, we'll want to prevent
this change from being persisted and throw an appropriate error telling the
user how to fix it.