Useful CodeSmith Templates
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by Brian Mains
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Generating Configuration Section Properties

Configuration sections add to the usefulness of an application, whether it is a web or windows application, or even a custom library of components. Configuration sections are portions of the configuration file that represent specific settings for the application that it represents. I am not going to go into too much detail regarding them; for more information, please consult the following article.

The syntax for declaring properties of a custom configuration section, or a configuration element, can be tedious. Look at the following example.

Listing 6

[ConfigurationProperty("redirectUrl", DefaultValue = "default.aspx")]
public string RedirectUrl
    return (string)this["redirectUrl"];
    this["redirectUrl"= value;

The above example is a property of a configuration section. To expose the property, the ConfigurationProperty attribute declares the name that will appear as an attribute, along with additional criteria (in this example, a default value to use when a value is not provided).

In addition, configuration sections use a collection of properties, which have a type of object.  Casting the value to the appropriate type is a requirement. It is not difficult to do, but there is a way to make it easier. To start, the script uses two properties to define the namespace and name of the class.

Listing 7

<%@ Property Name="ClassName" Type="String" Default="" Optional="False" %>
<%@ Property Name="ClassNamespace" Type="String" Default="Nucleo.Configuration" 
   Optional="False" %>

This approach uses an XML file as the source to illustrate another approach for storing data.  Rather than hard-coding the file name, I chose to use the FileNameEditor, which is a file-browsing editor that allows me to navigate to a file in a graphical window. This object resides in the System.Windows.Forms assembly. The definition to use this approach is shown below.

Listing 8

<%@ Property Name="ConfigurationFile" Type="String" Default="" Optional="False" 
    Editor="System.Windows.Forms.Design.FileNameEditor, System.Design, 
    Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" %>

To add file selection editing capabilities, one simply needs to reference the Design assembly using the full name. These properties store what we are calling the object,and where to get the data.  What does the data look like? Below is a single entry in the XML file.

Listing 9


This property element is wrapped by a parent element, and mimics the structure that a dataset uses to read/write XML. Note the three properties: type (of data), name, and whether the field is required.  All of this will affect the output. The script gets the data by reading the XML into a DataSet object and assigning the table locally.

Listing 10

private void ReadFile()
  DataSet propertiesData = new DataSet();
  _propertiesTable = propertiesData.Tables[0];

This method is triggered to run at the beginning of the script. Following the download of the data, the script continues by rendering the base shell.

Listing 11

using System;
using System.Configuration;
namespace <%= this.ClassNamespace %>
      public class <%= this.ClassName %> : ConfigurationSection

Next, each of the properties renders using information from the DataTable object that holds all the property data. It is read from as shown below.

Listing 12

foreach (DataRow row in _propertiesTable.Rows)
      string propertyType = row["Type"].ToString();
      string propertyName = row["Name"].ToString();
      bool isRequired = bool.Parse(row["IsRequired"].ToString());
      [ConfigurationProperty(<%= this.GetConfigurationName(propertyName) %>, 
         IsRequired=<%= isRequired.ToString() %>)]
      public <%= propertyType %> <%= propertyName %>
                  return (<%= propertyType %>)
                    this["<%= this.GetConfigurationName(propertyName) %>"];
            set { this["<%= this.GetConfigurationName(propertyName) %>"= value; }

Note the <% %> tags; this is the server-side scripting portion that sets up a for loop to access through each of the properties, gets a local variable reference, appends the ConfigurationProperty attribute, declares the getter and setter, and makes sure all the assignments are correct. Also note that the GetConfigurationName method simply converts the first letter of the word to lower case.

This is a pretty simple script that renders the following.

Listing 13

using System;
using System.Configuration;
namespace Nucleo.Configuration
  public class SomeSection: ConfigurationSection
    [ConfigurationProperty(useThat, IsRequired = True)]
    public bool UseThat
        return (bool)this["useThat"];
        this["useThat"= value;
    [ConfigurationProperty(useThis, IsRequired = False)]
    public bool UseThis
        return (bool)this["useThis"];
        this["useThis"= value;

Though not complicated to setup manually, this template helps create longer configuration sections rather easily. I have had configuration sections that this was useful for.

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