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by Brian Mains
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Generating AJAX Client Control Classes

If you have read into the ASP.NET AJAX framework and the AJAX Control Toolkit, you know that Microsoft built into the ASP.NET AJAX framework a client library of components that make developing AJAX controls and extenders easier. The script, for the most part, follows a common makeup, and this basic makeup can be easily generated via CodeSmith. This script requires more explanation, so bear with me on it.

The JavaScript structure is expressed in a specific way. At the beginning is the creation of the namespace. The next section is the creation of the class, with a constructor, properties, methods, and event handlers. Following this is the event handlers that tap into the base DOM element events. Last is the definition of the prototype, descriptor, and the registration of the class.

If you are not familiar with this model of writing JavaScript and are not sure what I mean, you may want to read a few other articles on the subject. I have attached a couple for you to understand the base structure.

To begin, my script contains the following properties:

·         ObjectNamespace - The namespace of the object. The ASP.NET AJAX framework mimics ASP.NET framework by including namespace registration.

·         ObjectName - The name of the class.

·         InheritedObjectName - The name of the base class that the JavaScript inherits from. Some of the options are Sys.UI.Component, Sys.UI.Control, Sys.UI.Behavior, and other classes that you derive.

·         Properties - A string collection that contains the properties that the AJAX class exposes. Both getters and setters are exposed.

·         ExposedEvents - A string collection of events that the class exposes; events can be raised from the JavaScript class.

·         EventsListenedTo - The JavaScript class taps into the events of the DOM element that it extends. For instance, a text element has key and mouse events that are raised, which the JavaScript class can listen to. These are the events that the class taps into.

I am going to skip the namespace registration and head right into the constructor. The following is the definition of the constructor in the script.

Listing 14

<%= this.GetAjaxClassName(false) %> = 
function <%= this.GetAjaxClassName(true) %>(associatedElement)
      <%= this.GetAjaxClassName(false)%>.initializeBase(associatedElement);
foreach (string property in this.Properties)
      this.<%= this.GetVariableName(property) %> = null;
foreach (string listenedEvent in this.EventsListenedTo)
      this.<%= this.GetHandler(listenedEvent) %> = null;

The constructor script defines both variable names for the properties and event handlers for the DOM events. The definitions render in the constructor here; to create the correct name, the following helper methods alter the original values as necessary.

Listing 15

public string GetHandler(string eventName)
  return "_" + eventName.Substring(0, 1).ToLower() + eventName.Substring(1) + "Handler";  
public string GetVariableName(string propertyName)
  return "_" + propertyName.Substring(0, 1).ToLower() + propertyName.Substring(1);

Any properties are defined in the list output next. If there are no properties, the script handles this correctly and leaves an empty space.

Listing 16

foreach (string property in this.Properties)
function <%= this.GetAjaxClassName(true) %>$get_<%= property %>()
      return <%= this.GetVariableName(property) %>;
function <%= this.GetAjaxClassName(true) %>$set_<%= property %>(value)
      <%= this.GetVariableName(property) %> = value;

The above method renders a series of setters and getters in the form of:

Namespace$Namespace2$get_PropertyName. You may wonder why the "$" for the property name; this is a way to create a unique function as the getter and setter. There are a couple of approaches to creating the AJAX interface, where this one assigns a shorter name in the prototype definition. For instance, the property name above would have the following entry in the prototype definition.

Listing 17

get_PropertyName : Namespace$Namespace2$get_PropertyName

The following is the rendering of the prototype.

Listing 18

<%= this.GetAjaxClassName(false) %>.prototype = 
foreach (string property in this.Properties)
    get_<%= property %> : <%= this.GetAjaxClassName(true) %>$get_<%= property %>,
    set_<%= property %> : <%= this.GetAjaxClassName(true) %>$set_<%= property %>,
foreach (string listenedEvent in this.EventsListenedTo)
    <%= listenedEvent %>Callback : <%= this.GetCallbackName(listenedEvent) %>,
foreach (string exposedEvent in this.ExposedEvents)
    add_<%= exposedEvent %> : <%= this.GetAjaxClassName(true) %>$add_<%= exposedEvent %>,
    raise_<%= exposedEvent %> : <%= this.GetAjaxClassName(true) %>$raise_<%= exposedEvent %>,
    remove_<%= exposedEvent %> : <%= this.GetAjaxClassName(true) %>$remove_<%= exposedEvent %>,
    initialize : <%= this.GetAjaxClassName(true) %>$initialize,
    dispose : <%= this.GetAjaxClassName(true) %>$dispose

This simply renders the short name to long name mappings as I mentioned above. It probably does not make a lot of sense unless you have some ASP.NET AJAX experience, especially since I did not cover every section.

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