Developing and Deploying a SharePoint Feature - Part 1
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by Steven Barden
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What will and will not be covered here

Part one of this article has a very specific purpose, to help explain one way to construct and deploy features. As such, the topics covered will include starting the solution with Visual Studio, laying out the initial contents, the construction of the initial contents, and how to deploy a shell of a feature with little actual functionality. The purpose for this is to clearly draw lines between the construction of a simple, deployable feature, and then how to build upon that simple feature with far more complex structures. This part will not cover building and populating lists, complex code or more. This first article will build up to explaining, preparing and deploying an empty feature so you can see where this process leaves off and the more complex tasks of making useful things happen begins. These more complex topics will be in the next part. With that, let us get started.

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User Comments

Title: asdf   
Name: asdf
Date: 2012-05-25 12:27:32 PM
more damn pics dude
Title: Create Custom SharePoint Features, it is simple.   
Name: sara
Date: 2009-10-01 2:01:37 AM
Nice !!!!!!!!
Try this too,

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