More Complex Operations in ADO.NET Data Services
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by Sergey Zwezdin
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Service Operations

Service operations are one of the important and powerful mechanisms of ADO.NET Data Services extension. Service operations are necessary when standard functionality of ADO.NET Data Services queries aren't enough. For example, it is impossible to perform a complex query to a database, using the light URI syntax ADO.NET Data Services. In this case it is possible to use service operations. Also service operations can be used to generate content in non-standard formats if it is necessary. For example, you can generate a HTML-code with description of a web service. Also usage of service operations makes it possible to provide access to any binary contents, for example, to images.

Implementation of difficult queries to a data model is one of most well-spread reasons to use service operations. You can build a big request, with multiple join operations, additional conditions and sorting. To implement such service operation you need to define a new method in a service. Such method should have two specific features - return IQueryable collection as a result and be marked with WebGet attribute.

Listing 4 - The definition of service operation

public IQueryable<Customers> <span style='background:white'>GetCustomersWithOrders</span>()
  return CurrentDataSource.Customers.Where(c => c.Orders.Count > 0);

In service operations it is possible to construct query of any complexity and to return its to client. For the access to service operation it is necessary to use the kind of address "http://localhost:9580/WebDataService1.svc/GetCustomersWithOrders". Also this operation will appear in service metadata. It can be checked up, having accessed to the address "http://localhost:9580/WebDataService1.svc/$metadata".

You can also use operations with parameters. It is useful when the same query is executed several times and there is a changeable parameter. To define this behavior you should specify a parameter in the method. For example, it is possible to change the previous example and specify quantity of orders.

Listing 5 - The definition of service operation with parameter

public IQueryable<Customers> GetCustomersWithCountOrders(int count)
  return CurrentDataSource.Customers.Where(c => c.Orders.Count > count);

In this case for the access to operation it is necessary to use the kind of address "http://localhost:9580/WebDataService1.svc/GetCustomersWithCountOrders?count=5".

Names of methods shouldn't be equal to collection names. As a method returns result in a form of Iqueryable so it is possible to use all opportunities of ADO.NET Data Services platform. For example, it is possible to organize paging of results of operation execution. Also you can do filtration and sorting.

WebGet method, that marks methods, means there is opportunity to advert to service operations via GET HTTP-verb. Also it is possible to provide other methods of treatment. For these purposes you should use WebInvoke attribute instead of WebGet. Specifying a value of WebInvoke attribute there is need to specify an HTTP-method to be used.

Listing 6 - The usage WebInvoke attribute

[WebInvoke(Method = "POST")]
public void SetCustomer()
  // ...

Other HTTP-methods can be used in the same way.

Except receiving collections, service operations can be used to get some individual results. For example, a service operation can help to receive a data model image. For this purpose you need to create a method which returns Stream object. This method should be marked with attributes WebGet and SingleResult. SingleResult attribute indicates that the method returns not a set of data but an individual result. Besides that, it is necessary to mark with MimeType attribute to set value of "Content-Type" HTTP-header in an HTTP-response. MimeType attribute is specified for each method separately. It accepts two parameters - a name of a method and value of HTTP-header.

Listing 7 - The usage attributes both MimeType and SingleResult

[MimeType("GetCustomerPhoto", "image/jpg")]
public class WebDataService1 : DataService<NorthwindEntities>
      public System.IO.Stream GetCustomerPhoto(string customerId)

Similarly, you can generate and send a client HTML-content or any other data. It is important to notice, that when you access to such service operations, ADO.NET Data Services packs these data into XML format.  To avoid this effect and obtain these data without distortions it is necessary to add a keyword "$value" in an address. For example, the address to service access can look like "http://localhost:9580/WebDataService1.svc/GetPhoto/$value".

Service operations, as well as containers, are also amenable to rules of safety. For this reason, we should explicitly authorize the use of service operations in InitializeService method. In IDataServiceConfiguration interface there is SetServiceOperationAccessRule method that helps to do it. To grant permission to all operations you can employ the following code.

Listing 8 - The definition of security rules

public class WebDataService1 : DataService<NorthwindEntities>
      public static void InitializeService(IDataServiceConfiguration config)
            // ...
            config.SetServiceOperationAccessRule("*", ServiceOperationRights.All);

So, thanks to employing service operations it is possible to expand functionality of web services   based on ADO.NET Data Services platform essentially.

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User Comments

Title: fasdfa   
Name: asdfasdf
Date: 2012-08-25 7:46:11 AM
Title: developer   
Name: developer
Date: 2011-07-31 1:24:23 PM
When I try this in new version of WCF Data Services,
public System.IO.Stream GetCustomerPhoto(string customerId)
generates an exception and says that Stream cannot be serialized and returned.
Do you know why?
Title: System.IO.Stream GetCustomerPhoto?   
Name: Dana
Date: 2010-03-11 2:46:40 PM
You can return an image from a service operation? I couldn't figure this out. Can you elaborate on that stub? When I tried to create the service operation and then "update service reference" from my client app, I got an error to the effect that the meta data couldn't be created.
Great article and any further info is appreciated. Thanks,
Title: moreclick   
Name: moreclick
Date: 2009-12-07 2:17:58 AM
Thanks for sharing, I love reading you should post more often...

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