By default ADO.NET Data Services web-services returns data
in AtomPub format. Such representation is very convenient in most cases because
it is hierarchically structured, easy readable to perceive without additional
parsing. As its building is based on XML format, so a service can be used in an
heterogeneous environment.
But sometimes you need to use other data formats. Nowadays
ADO.NET Data Services platform supports two formats - AtomPub and JSON. JSON
format is easy to use to interact with JavaScript client scenarios.
ADO.NET Data Services defines a format to response
automatically. It occurs on the basis of "Accept" header in
HTTP-request. If this header is empty or it contains
"application/atom+xml" value then data will be displayed in AtomPub
format. If the header contains "application/json" value then data
will be presented in JSON form.
This is the way to choose a data format generated by ADO.NET
Data Services.