Building Reports using ASP.NET and Crystal Reports - Part 7 Using Subreports to Create Advanced Reports
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by Vince Varallo
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Step 1: Create a new solution

1.    Launch Visual Studio 2008.

2.    Select File -> New Web Site from the menu.

3.    Choose ASP.NET from the list of templates.  You can select File or HTTP from the Location drop down list.  For this sample I'll use File.

4.    Set the Web Site Name to SubReportSample.  The path should be "..\Visual Studio 2008\WebSites\SubReportSample"

5.    Select Visual C# from the Language drop down list and then click OK.

Visual Studio will create a new web site and add a Default.aspx page and web.config file.  Now you need to add a Crystal Report file to your site.  To do this, follow these steps:

6.    Right click on the web site in your Solution Explorer.

7.    Select Add New Item… from the pop-up menu.

8.    Click on Crystal Report from the templates.  If you don't see Crystal Report as an option then you need to run the Visual Studio 2008 installation and select the option to install Crystal Reports.  It comes free with Visual Studio 2008.

9.    Change the name of the report to SubReport.rpt.  The Language drop down should already be set to Visual C# but if it isn't do so.

10. Click the Add button.

Visual Studio will add the Crystal Report file to your web site and bring up the Crystal Reports Gallery dialog.  You may be prompted to register your product if this is the first time you're using Crystal Reports.  You can skip registering the product but it will keep prompting you every time you open a report so it's worth taking the extra minute or two to register.  Once you get to the Crystal Reports Gallery dialog you should select the "As a blank report" option and click OK.

Your report will be displayed in Visual Studio and you're ready to start building your report.

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User Comments

Title: Crystal Report   
Name: B.Shah
Date: 2010-09-21 6:43:53 AM
Nice Article..Thanks
Title: Donor Database Administrator   
Name: Abdillahi Jibril
Date: 2010-01-27 11:00:37 AM
I have medium to advanced level experience in Crystal Report, and your article helps me improve my skills to be better Crystal Report Developer.
Title: crystal reports   
Name: joohitha
Date: 2010-01-05 11:47:19 PM
nice article

Tks vincey
Title: crystal reports tutor   
Name: lokesh
Date: 2009-12-28 5:02:03 AM
Thanks vincey
very nice and very help full for crystal report beginners.
i will be at

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