This report will display each SalesOrderHeader record and
list the SalesOrderDetail records associated with the SalesOrderID. The report
will be grouped by the SalesOrderID field and the subreport will retrieve the
corresponding records from the AdventureWorks.SalesOrderDetail table. This
step will add a group to the report by SalesOrderID.
From the main menu select Crystal Reports -> Insert -> Group.
Choose SalesOrderID from the drop down list.
Click the OK button.
The report will now have two sections added,
GroupHeaderSection1 and GroupFooterSection1. Crystal Reports will
automatically add the "Group #1 Name" field to the header. For this
report, the SalesOrderID will print in the group header section.
You can click the Main Report Preview button at the bottom
of the screen to view the SalesOrderID records that are in this database. As
you can see, there is much less data in the AdventureWorksLT database than
there is in the AdventureWorks database.