Build an ASP Search Engine using Website Utility
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Published: 04 Nov 2004
Unedited - Community Contributed
This article explains how to create a server-side ASP search engine for a website using Website Utility.
by Brett Burridge
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Why Websites need Search Facilities

Once a website grows beyond a couple of dozen pages then it can sometimes be difficult to create a site navigation scheme that allows users to quickly find exactly what they're looking for. One way to improve site navigation is to add a search facility to the website. Adding a search facility brings major benefits to a website, making it easier for users to find information as well as adding an additional method of navigating a website. Search facilities are generally well used, and will often appear within the top ten most requested pages on a website.

Search Engines Allow Visitors to Search your Content

One of the easiest ways to add a facility for searching the pages in your website is to link to search results for your website from one of the major search engines. Google and other major search engines allow you to do this. However, using this method it can be difficult to integrate the search results with the design of your website. It also carries the obvious risk of a website visitor leaving your website and not returning! Even worse, your website visitors may see an advert for a competitor on the search results page, and so go and do their business elsewhere!

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User Comments

Title: Wonder Article, very helpful   
Name: Terry Pearson
Date: 2005-05-05 12:10:31 AM
Thank you. It was very helpful to me as a beginner to understand the search engine app. Keep up the awesome work!
Title: Mr M X   
Name: Lowcrazy
Date: 2005-04-08 7:20:18 AM
Man this one is so helpful

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