If you run a site that displays news, or headlines or something and you want an easy way to add and edit those pages then this article is for you. This article will show you how to display news headlines on a site with a little bit of ASP.NET. Also, you should see the 'Live Demo' at the bottom of most code samples, this links to a page where Ialready have something like this set up.
Browsing XML with ASP.NET
In ASP I found navigating an XML file without actually seeing it was extremely difficult and ASP.NET didn't help much. ASP.NET has several objects that you can use to browse an XML file, after much searching, exploring and experimenting I found that the XMLTextReader was the best one for the job (and the one that didn't give me as many annoying error messages). Someone should really create a visual XML to ASP.NET creator.
The XMLTextReader has one basic function - Read XML, that's it, not write or edit or validate, read. It's much like the DataReader, but with XML. But on to the XML code.