Welcome to the last part of a three-part series on Test Driven Development (TDD) for Business Intelligence projects. Specifically, I’m writing about TDD in .NET using Crystal .NET version 10 as the Business Intelligence tool.
In the first part of this series, I showed how I start a Business Intelligence project using C#, Crystal .NET, and nUnit. This is done in small steps. First, we created a simple test to load the report. Next, we created methods and tests for logging onto the database for the Crystal Report object.
In the second part of this series, I showed how to write a test comparing the data from the report output to the data from a straight SQL query.
In this, the last part of the series, we finish the test by coding to the scenario given to us. Once we’re done with this test, the report is ready to be rolled into an application, and the unit tests are always there should we need to make changes.