Working with Web Services Using ASP.NET
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The Web Service Attribute

The Web Service Attribute is a member of the System.Web.Services namespace.  This we can use to let the clients know where to find information about a Web Service.  There are three properties of the Web Service attribute.  They are as follows:

1.      Description

2.      Namespace

3.      Name


The Description property is used to provide a brief description of the functionality of the class.  We can write the same as specified in Listing 2.

Listing 2

[WebService(Description="This class contains methods for working with Addition of numbers and Population of DataSet")]


The Namespace property sets the XML namespace for the service.  Generally we use an URL.  It does not have to be an actual URL; it can be any string value.  The idea is that it should be unique.  It is common practice to use URL because a URL is always unique.


When the WSDL is generated for an ASP.NET Web Service, the name of the class is used for the service name within the WSDL.  When a proxy uses the WSDL and builds a proxy class, the name of the class generated corresponds to the name value of service.  This property allows overriding the default value.

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