Developing and Deploying a SharePoint Feature - Part 2
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Published: 21 Jul 2008
This article displays the development and deployment of code that builds a Word Document List by way of activating a feature we have previously constructed. Part 1 of this article series showed how the feature is developed and, once installed, a blank feature was then enabled and disabled. In this article, Steven Barden builds on that by adding code designed to build an empty and fairly sparse Word Document List. He demonstrates the differences between one component and the other, in this case the Feature and the Word Document creation code that uses information from the FeatureActivated method of the FeatureReceiver:SPFeatureReceiver class.
by Steven Barden
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This article will display the deployment of using a feature to install code that creates an unpopulated Word Document List. It is part two in a series of articles that will focus on using install techniques and features to perform various actions. When viewed as a whole, these features are designed to stand alone during development, yet they should work together during runtime. As the next part in the series, this demonstration builds upon Part 1 of this series, and is designed to assist newer SharePoint developers in differentiating between the development of a deployable SharePoint feature solution, and the more complex code that may be deployed in the deployment solution.

In Part 1 of this series the goal was to begin the process of developing and deploying a SharePoint feature solution in such a way that it was easy to tell where the act of deployment left off from where the objects that were deployed to perform the intended efforts began. I better appreciate the example code that is broken into articles that clearly differentiate between one technology or section and the next. Deploying a SharePoint Feature and then inserting and displaying code that is delivered via a feature, yet still has its own show and tell criteria is an example of this for me.

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