Developing and Deploying a SharePoint Feature - Part 2
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by Steven Barden
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About the Source Code and Running the Application

Finally, let us cover the downloadable code for this project. First off, it is intended to be unpacked to C:\Code\SharePoint\Features\DeployHelloWorld for development, mostly because this is where the batch files point to work from, but of course you can do what you like and change things. Assuming you are following along here, from a command prompt run the command:

Listing 2

mkdir C:\Code\SharePoint\Features\DeployHelloWorld

Then unpack the files to the last directory "DeployHelloWorld," such that the *.cmd and *.sln files are here, inside the DeployHelloWorld directory. The SharePoint site used in this project is a generic top level website. No account has been made to search through a collection of subwebs under a top web to locate "the right one" where you will perform this work. You may of course add the code needed to cycle the proper collection to do this for your own practice.

Other than what is described above, you should not have any problem in unpacking, compiling or running the code. If you do hit any snags you can attach a debugger, as expected, to determine the cause of any errors. Once the code has worked correctly, you can de-activate the feature as expected. One quick and dirty way of removing the components after deactivation is to manually delete the list then run the Remove.cmd file. Remember to do this after you have deactivated the feature. This and the install command files are probably two examples of where you may want to use the directories previously described, but you can of course change the command files as needed. Once the feature is installed, you should be able to go to the site, use the Site Actions tab in the upper right corner, and navigate to site settings. Toward the bottom of the Site Administration stack, click on the Site Features link. The Site Features Page should be displayed where you can locate the yellow exclamation point image. This is the feature to enable. If all goes well you should see a new Word Document list on the quick launch section on the main page.

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