“The purpose of quality management in projects is to ensure
that the project outputs are delivered fit-for-purpose. It is achieved by
planning the required level of quality for the project, including determining
what criteria will be used to judge whether outputs are fit-for-purpose. It is
generally accepted that it is a lot more expensive to rectify a defect or fault
in a project output at the end of the process than it would have been had the
problem been identified during the development process, despite the cost of
ensuring the quality along the way.”
Processes include all the activities of the performing
organization that determines quality policies, objectives and representatives
so that the project will satisfy the needs for which it was undertaken. It iscompromised
of the following.
Quality Planning
Quality Assurance
Quality Control
The degree to which a set of inherit characteristics fulfill
requirements depends on:
Conformance to requirement
Fitness for use
Quality is different from grade
Modern Quality Management compliments Project Management
Customer Satisfaction