Cost-Benefit Analysis
The analysis that defines the trade-off between cost of
quality and its returns are used for defining the plan.
Benchmarks involving actual or planned project practices
within or outside the organization in the same application area or outside are
used for quality planning and performance measurement.
Design of Experiments
Design of experiments (ODE) is a statistical method that
identifies which factors influences specific variables of a product or
processes under development or in production. This provides an input in
optimization of products or processes and provides a framework to
systematically change all important factors rather than one at a time. Such an
analysis provides information on optimal combination of conditions that can be
used in project implementations.
Cost Quality (COQ)
Quality costs are the total costs involved in preventing
nonconformance to requirements, reviews and rework. Failure costs, which may be
internal or external, are also called cost of poor quality.
Quality Planning: Outputs
Quality Management Plan
The quality management plan describes how the project
management team will implement the performing organization’s quality policy.
The quality management plan is an important subsidiary plan of the project
management plan and addresses quality control, assurance and continuous quality
The quality management plan is brought in early in the
project life cycle where initial decisions, designs and tests are verified by
an independent peer group that may reduce project costs and schedule overruns.
This plan is built based on individual project requirements.